1、The Rossby waves set up wiggles in the jet stream, wiggles which, left to themselves, would move westward.───罗斯贝波在急流中形成快速振荡,一旦这些振荡独自运行,便会向西移动。
2、Are your kids restless with energy, full of wiggles needing release?───你的孩子是精力充沛焦躁不安,充满需要宣泄的扭动的吗?
3、Fortunately, my kids are phasing out of the Wiggles' music. It's brutally catchy!───所幸的是,我的小孩正逐渐脱离他们的音乐。
4、He also taught me to see a stock not as something with a ticker symbol that wiggles around but to think about it as part of a business.───他也教我,不要把一档股票看成会摆动的股票代码,而是要看成一家企业的一部分。
5、This canine robot of yesteryear wiggles when petted.───这个昔日的机器人时宠爱犬晃。
6、A music area allows children to do things like play virtual instruments and listen to Wiggles songs.───音乐部分能让孩子们弹奏虚拟乐器,或者听写欢快的歌曲。
7、A dog wiggles his tail.───狗摇尾巴欢迎我。
8、He wiggles it in place, tugs it with his nose, and smash.───他扭动这只蜗牛,用他的鼻子拉扯它,再重击它。
9、To the toad, the garden is a worm that wiggles, a bug that flies.───对蟾蛤来说,花园只是一条RuDong的软体虫,一只飞舞的昆虫。
1、Whether you're in your car, cooking dinner or relaxing at home, every move you make will be accompanied by the Wiggles and their obnoxiously chipper tunes.
2、To the toad, the garden is a worm that wiggles , a bug that flies.
3、Sometimes it shows up as a lot more wiggles in the higher frequency range, up around 25 to 70 Hertz.
4、Beate scratches, kicks and wiggles as the two boys try to restrain her.
5、The dance of the bees has a repertoire of wiggles and tilts and speeds.
6、However, if you wiggle the mirror as the fly passes, the fly wiggles too.
7、Another girl wiggles by in the Brooklyn gloaming.
8、In converting radiocarbon results to calendar dates, the wiggles in the calibration curve are the real problem.
9、But at least Baby Wiggles and Giggles has moving limbs and pretty blue eyes.
1、yawn yawn yawn wiggles───打哈欠打哈欠扭动
2、opening to the wiggles magical───打开魔幻之门
3、veil wiggles───面纱摆动
1、The Rossby waves set up wiggles in the jet stream, wiggles which, left to themselves, would move westward.───罗斯贝波在急流中形成快速振荡,一旦这些振荡独自运行,便会向西移动。
2、Are your kids restless with energy, full of wiggles needing release?───你的孩子是精力充沛焦躁不安,充满需要宣泄的扭动的吗?
3、Fortunately, my kids are phasing out of the Wiggles' music. It's brutally catchy!───所幸的是,我的小孩正逐渐脱离他们的音乐。
4、He also taught me to see a stock not as something with a ticker symbol that wiggles around but to think about it as part of a business.───他也教我,不要把一档股票看成会摆动的股票代码,而是要看成一家企业的一部分。
5、This canine robot of yesteryear wiggles when petted.───这个昔日的机器人时宠爱犬晃。
6、A music area allows children to do things like play virtual instruments and listen to Wiggles songs.───音乐部分能让孩子们弹奏虚拟乐器,或者听写欢快的歌曲。
7、A dog wiggles his tail.───狗摇尾巴欢迎我。
8、He wiggles it in place, tugs it with his nose, and smash.───他扭动这只蜗牛,用他的鼻子拉扯它,再重击它。
9、To the toad, the garden is a worm that wiggles, a bug that flies.───对蟾蛤来说,花园只是一条RuDong的软体虫,一只飞舞的昆虫。
1、Whether you're in your car, cooking dinner or relaxing at home, every move you make will be accompanied by the Wiggles and their obnoxiously chipper tunes.
2、To the toad, the garden is a worm that wiggles , a bug that flies.
3、Sometimes it shows up as a lot more wiggles in the higher frequency range, up around 25 to 70 Hertz.
4、Beate scratches, kicks and wiggles as the two boys try to restrain her.
5、The dance of the bees has a repertoire of wiggles and tilts and speeds.
6、However, if you wiggle the mirror as the fly passes, the fly wiggles too.
7、Another girl wiggles by in the Brooklyn gloaming.
8、In converting radiocarbon results to calendar dates, the wiggles in the calibration curve are the real problem.
9、But at least Baby Wiggles and Giggles has moving limbs and pretty blue eyes.