1、In line with latest trends in fashion, a few dress designers have been sacrificing elegance to audacity.───为了与最新流行趋势接轨,许多设计师开始不惜舍弃优雅的风格,而一味追求大胆前卫。
2、Dress designers, not dress-makers, are the arbiters of women's fashions.───服装设计师而不是缝衣匠来判定女装的流行款式。
3、Dress designers are never totally satisfied with the clothes they design. They devote all their passion and enthusiasm to their career and find it hard to keep a relationship.───服装设计师永远不会对他们所设计的衣服完全感到满意。他们将自己全部的激情与热忱都投入到事业当中,并且发现维持一段恋爱关系是很困难的。
4、Our company has a group of professional dress designers, product developers and marketing people. Our team is young and creative.───公司拥有一批优秀的礼服设计,产品开发和国际市场拓展人才。
5、the latest trends in fashion, a few dress designers have been sacrificing elegance to audacity.───有些时装设计师为了赶时髦,舍弃了优雅别致的式样,而。
6、See a video of the LED Dress that, according to the designers, consumes about the same electricity as two household bulbs.───设计师言道,从LED礼服上看一通视频的话,相当于消耗2只家用电灯泡的电量。
7、Want to dress designers and in handling human relations and clothing to provide some of Instruction.───希望为设计师和着装者在处理好服装与人体关系供给一些拙见。
dress designers(意思翻译)
dress designers(相似词语短语)
1、designers gallery───设计师画廊
2、designers edge───设计师边缘
3、designers guild───设计师协会
4、graphic designers───n.美术设计员( graphic designer的名词复数 );平面设计师;美术设计员
5、designers image───设计师形象
8、designers jobs───设计师工作
9、interior designers───n.室内设计师( interior designer的名词复数 )
dress designers(双语使用场景)
1、In line with latest trends in fashion, a few dress designers have been sacrificing elegance to audacity.───为了与最新流行趋势接轨,许多设计师开始不惜舍弃优雅的风格,而一味追求大胆前卫。
2、Dress designers, not dress-makers, are the arbiters of women's fashions.───服装设计师而不是缝衣匠来判定女装的流行款式。
3、Dress designers are never totally satisfied with the clothes they design. They devote all their passion and enthusiasm to their career and find it hard to keep a relationship.───服装设计师永远不会对他们所设计的衣服完全感到满意。他们将自己全部的激情与热忱都投入到事业当中,并且发现维持一段恋爱关系是很困难的。
4、Our company has a group of professional dress designers, product developers and marketing people. Our team is young and creative.───公司拥有一批优秀的礼服设计,产品开发和国际市场拓展人才。
5、the latest trends in fashion, a few dress designers have been sacrificing elegance to audacity.───有些时装设计师为了赶时髦,舍弃了优雅别致的式样,而。
6、See a video of the LED Dress that, according to the designers, consumes about the same electricity as two household bulbs.───设计师言道,从LED礼服上看一通视频的话,相当于消耗2只家用电灯泡的电量。
7、Want to dress designers and in handling human relations and clothing to provide some of Instruction.───希望为设计师和着装者在处理好服装与人体关系供给一些拙见。