1、A two-stroke engine has no moving valves, and the spark plug fires each time the piston hits the top of its cycle.───二冲程发动机没有移动的阀,火花塞每次点火活塞到达循环顶端。
2、two-stroke engine USES more gasoline and burns lots of oil, so it is far more polluting.───二冲程发动机使用更多的汽油,燃烧更多的燃料,所以产生更多的污染。
3、See How Two-stroke Engines Work for more information.───更多信息见二冲程发动机工作原理。
4、If it needs only two strokes to complete a cycle, it is called a two-stroke cycle engine or, for short, a two-cycle engine.───如果发动机完成一个工作循环,只需要两个行程,就称为两冲程循环发动机,或者简称两冲程发动机。
5、In a two-stroke gasoline engine, exhaust gas pollution is especially severe when it burns rich mixture of blended fuel .───二冲程汽油机排气污染严重,尤其是燃烧混合油、浓混合气时有害物排放量大。
6、is the difference between a two-stroke and a four-stroke engine? Most chain saws and boat motors use two-stroke engines.───冲程和四冲程发动机的区别: 大多数链锯和摩托艇使用的是二冲程发动机。
7、The later Detroit two stroke engines had both a blower to make them run and a turbo for top end power.───更晚的底特律两冲程发动机使他们跑的一台吹风机和最高末端动力的涡轮机。
8、Vibration of the novel two - stroke micro free swing piston engine's center swing is harmful to running of internal-combustion engine.───新型二冲程微型摆式内燃机中心摆的振动会给其运行带来一定的危害。
9、Using of pure gasoline ( no additive of special lubricant oil for the two -stroke engines is added ) as the fuel is strictly prohibited .───严禁使用纯汽油(不加二冲程专用机油)做燃料。
two stroke(英语使用场景)
1、They are remarkably functional workhorses, two stroke, solid and very ugly.
2、Finally, using FIRE, which designed bail , simulate the spray and combustibility of two stroke direct engine.
3、The vessel to be propelled by a single-acting two stroke supercharged cross head Diesel engine, acting to a fixed pitch propeller .
two stroke(意思翻译)
two stroke(相似词语短语)
1、dolorous stroke───抑郁性中风
2、visceral stroke───内脏中风
3、curved stroke───[体]滑弧线;滑弧线,曲线球
4、apoplexy stroke───中风
5、two two───22
7、watershed stroke───分水岭中风
8、transient stroke───瞬时行程
9、endocarditis stroke───心内膜炎中风
two stroke(双语使用场景)
1、A two-stroke engine has no moving valves, and the spark plug fires each time the piston hits the top of its cycle.───二冲程发动机没有移动的阀,火花塞每次点火活塞到达循环顶端。
2、two-stroke engine USES more gasoline and burns lots of oil, so it is far more polluting.───二冲程发动机使用更多的汽油,燃烧更多的燃料,所以产生更多的污染。
3、See How Two-stroke Engines Work for more information.───更多信息见二冲程发动机工作原理。
4、If it needs only two strokes to complete a cycle, it is called a two-stroke cycle engine or, for short, a two-cycle engine.───如果发动机完成一个工作循环,只需要两个行程,就称为两冲程循环发动机,或者简称两冲程发动机。
5、In a two-stroke gasoline engine, exhaust gas pollution is especially severe when it burns rich mixture of blended fuel .───二冲程汽油机排气污染严重,尤其是燃烧混合油、浓混合气时有害物排放量大。
6、is the difference between a two-stroke and a four-stroke engine? Most chain saws and boat motors use two-stroke engines.───冲程和四冲程发动机的区别: 大多数链锯和摩托艇使用的是二冲程发动机。
7、The later Detroit two stroke engines had both a blower to make them run and a turbo for top end power.───更晚的底特律两冲程发动机使他们跑的一台吹风机和最高末端动力的涡轮机。
8、Vibration of the novel two - stroke micro free swing piston engine's center swing is harmful to running of internal-combustion engine.───新型二冲程微型摆式内燃机中心摆的振动会给其运行带来一定的危害。
9、Using of pure gasoline ( no additive of special lubricant oil for the two -stroke engines is added ) as the fuel is strictly prohibited .───严禁使用纯汽油(不加二冲程专用机油)做燃料。
two stroke(英语使用场景)
1、They are remarkably functional workhorses, two stroke, solid and very ugly.
2、Finally, using FIRE, which designed bail , simulate the spray and combustibility of two stroke direct engine.
3、The vessel to be propelled by a single-acting two stroke supercharged cross head Diesel engine, acting to a fixed pitch propeller .