1、The train staff will come and tell you, they will give you your ticket back and take the plastic ticket.───乘务员将会通知你,她们会把车票还给你,然后把塑料牌收回去。
2、Train staff just apologized for the delay on the train.───列车的工作人员只是在列车上就晚点的事道歉。
3、Train staff at the primary level for the interventions, including AIDS as a chronic illness management and stigma reduction, etc.───培训初级卫生机构的人员以加强干预,包括将AiZi病纳入慢病管理和消除歧视。
4、Train staff just apologized for the delay on the train. No one explained what happened. And there were no emergency measures either.───列车的工作人员只是在列车上就晚点的事道歉。没有人解释发生了什么事。也没有紧急措施。
5、One concern is over Genetic ID, the US company hired to train staff for two transgene-testing laboratories in Mexico City.───人们的一个担忧是关于培训墨西哥城的两个转基因测试实验室人员的一家美国公司GeneticID。
6、But the ministry needs money to buy monitoring machines and train staff members to make sure its statistics are accurate, he said.───他又说:“但是环保部需要经费来采购监测仪器和培训人员,以确保统计数据的准确性。”
7、If not the RM must understand why and train staff to follow better procedures.───如果不一致,收益经理必须了解原因,并培训员工遵循更好的程序。
8、Now it is a tourist playground. Led by train staff, we climb a massive dune.───现在这里却是游客游玩的地方,在列车员的带领之下,我们爬上了一个巨大的沙丘。
9、Education is to train staff on the new strategy to improve the capacity to respond to the sanitization level staff.───教育就是要培养员工对企业新战略的应对能力,提高员工的觉悟水平。
train staff(英语使用场景)
1、Mock-up aircraft are used when we train staff for dealing with emergencies.
2、I can now also mispronounce sufficient Russian phrases to greet the train staff as I squeeze past them on my way to the restaurant car and to ask Sergei, my carriage attendant, for a cup of tea.
3、Only 17 forces have met Sir William's demand that they train staff fully in racial awareness and cultural diversity.
4、The mass transit corporation provides a wireless train staff management system.
5、The Bank will continue beyond July 1 to train staff, complete systems upgrades, declassify eligible historical documents and refine workflow processes.
train staff(意思翻译)
train staff(相似词语短语)
1、staff assistant───助理;干事;助理; 干事
3、subway train───n.地铁
4、pro staff───专业人员
5、motorcoach train───大客车
6、drive train───传动XiTong;传动系,传动列;驱动机构
7、houstonia staff───休斯顿工作人员
9、goods train───n.货物列车;[铁路]货物列车
train staff(双语使用场景)
1、The train staff will come and tell you, they will give you your ticket back and take the plastic ticket.───乘务员将会通知你,她们会把车票还给你,然后把塑料牌收回去。
2、Train staff just apologized for the delay on the train.───列车的工作人员只是在列车上就晚点的事道歉。
3、Train staff at the primary level for the interventions, including AIDS as a chronic illness management and stigma reduction, etc.───培训初级卫生机构的人员以加强干预,包括将AiZi病纳入慢病管理和消除歧视。
4、Train staff just apologized for the delay on the train. No one explained what happened. And there were no emergency measures either.───列车的工作人员只是在列车上就晚点的事道歉。没有人解释发生了什么事。也没有紧急措施。
5、One concern is over Genetic ID, the US company hired to train staff for two transgene-testing laboratories in Mexico City.───人们的一个担忧是关于培训墨西哥城的两个转基因测试实验室人员的一家美国公司GeneticID。
6、But the ministry needs money to buy monitoring machines and train staff members to make sure its statistics are accurate, he said.───他又说:“但是环保部需要经费来采购监测仪器和培训人员,以确保统计数据的准确性。”
7、If not the RM must understand why and train staff to follow better procedures.───如果不一致,收益经理必须了解原因,并培训员工遵循更好的程序。
8、Now it is a tourist playground. Led by train staff, we climb a massive dune.───现在这里却是游客游玩的地方,在列车员的带领之下,我们爬上了一个巨大的沙丘。
9、Education is to train staff on the new strategy to improve the capacity to respond to the sanitization level staff.───教育就是要培养员工对企业新战略的应对能力,提高员工的觉悟水平。
train staff(英语使用场景)
1、Mock-up aircraft are used when we train staff for dealing with emergencies.
2、I can now also mispronounce sufficient Russian phrases to greet the train staff as I squeeze past them on my way to the restaurant car and to ask Sergei, my carriage attendant, for a cup of tea.
3、Only 17 forces have met Sir William's demand that they train staff fully in racial awareness and cultural diversity.
4、The mass transit corporation provides a wireless train staff management system.
5、The Bank will continue beyond July 1 to train staff, complete systems upgrades, declassify eligible historical documents and refine workflow processes.
6、mock-up aircraft are used when we train staff.