1、She smelled of talcum powder and Coal Tar Soap, Jimmy thought, just like his Aunty Freda.───吉米想,她闻起来有股爽身粉和碳油皂的味道,就像他的弗雷达阿姨一样。
2、Refusing to be a burden of her children, Aunty Fang chooses to spend her old age alone in a cluttered tent.───方大娘怕给孩子们负担,晚年选择独居生活,住在堆满杂物的帐棚区内。
3、Rescued child said, "The aunty told me not to be afraid and not to worry. Here I can play and eat what I want. "───获救小孩称:“阿姨告诉我不要害怕,不要担心。在这里我可以玩,可以吃我想吃的东西。”
4、No matter how much he warned or begged, Aunty Misery would not allow the tree to let Death go.───不管他如何威胁或乞求,“苦难”阿姨都没有让树放走死神先生。
5、" She thanked the aunty and went home quickly. She presented the flower to her mother, and her mother said, " Lili, you've grown up.───她谢过阿姨,快步回到家,将花送给妈妈,妈妈说,李莉,你长大了。
6、Aunty, she screams, somebody help me!───伯母!”她尖叫道,“救命啊!”
7、I imagined that how nice if my mom had not carried the long scars on her face, and had a same fine look as the aunty.───如果娘没有脸上那道长长的伤疤,和这个阿姨长得一样漂亮,那可有多好!
8、'Get out there and make yourself beautiful! ' my aunty commands after the devastating break-up. 'Show him what he's missing out on. '───“出去,把你自己弄得漂亮点!”在我经历灾难般的分手后,我的阿姨这样命令着我。“让它见识一下他到底错过了什么。”
9、is aunty Shirley?───雪莉阿姨还好吗?
1、Aunty Paula likes to have a bit of a flutter on the horses.
1、She smelled of talcum powder and Coal Tar Soap, Jimmy thought, just like his Aunty Freda.───吉米想,她闻起来有股爽身粉和碳油皂的味道,就像他的弗雷达阿姨一样。
2、Refusing to be a burden of her children, Aunty Fang chooses to spend her old age alone in a cluttered tent.───方大娘怕给孩子们负担,晚年选择独居生活,住在堆满杂物的帐棚区内。
3、Rescued child said, "The aunty told me not to be afraid and not to worry. Here I can play and eat what I want. "───获救小孩称:“阿姨告诉我不要害怕,不要担心。在这里我可以玩,可以吃我想吃的东西。”
4、No matter how much he warned or begged, Aunty Misery would not allow the tree to let Death go.───不管他如何威胁或乞求,“苦难”阿姨都没有让树放走死神先生。
5、" She thanked the aunty and went home quickly. She presented the flower to her mother, and her mother said, " Lili, you've grown up.───她谢过阿姨,快步回到家,将花送给妈妈,妈妈说,李莉,你长大了。
6、Aunty, she screams, somebody help me!───伯母!”她尖叫道,“救命啊!”
7、I imagined that how nice if my mom had not carried the long scars on her face, and had a same fine look as the aunty.───如果娘没有脸上那道长长的伤疤,和这个阿姨长得一样漂亮,那可有多好!
8、'Get out there and make yourself beautiful! ' my aunty commands after the devastating break-up. 'Show him what he's missing out on. '───“出去,把你自己弄得漂亮点!”在我经历灾难般的分手后,我的阿姨这样命令着我。“让它见识一下他到底错过了什么。”
9、is aunty Shirley?───雪莉阿姨还好吗?
1、Aunty Paula likes to have a bit of a flutter on the horses.