1、The crowd swarmed ashore and soon the forest distances and craggy heights echoed far and near with shoutings and laughter.───人群向岸上涌去,不久,树林中,崎岖的高崖处都回荡着他们的喊叫声和笑声。
2、The craggy mountain range travels along the Mediterranean Sea, sparing only a few coastal valleys for agricultural use or settlement.───崎岖山脉的走向与地中海平行,为数不多的几个临海山谷散落着居民区,他们从事农业生产。
3、"That's craggy old Wall, anyway, " seems to be the conventional wisdom.───“反正是道路崎岖的破墙,”人们通常“明智”地认为。
4、The landscape is craggy, with high dunes, enormous rocky outcrops and unspoiled beaches that seem to go on forever.───这一地区地形崎岖,沙丘高耸,露出地面的岩层遍布,还有保存完整并且似乎会一直保持下去的海滩。
5、On the far side of the open stood one of the hills, with two quaint, craggy peaks, shining vividly in the sun.───这片开阔地带的尽头耸立着那三座山峰中的一座,它的两个古怪的嶙峋峰顶在阳光下辉煌夺目。
6、As the train follows the shores of Qinghai Lake, craggy peaks surface across the vast frozen tundra.───当火车沿着青海湖驶进时,峻峭的山峰顶出现在广阔的寒带草原对面。
7、He's a very small man with a lined, craggy face.───他是一位满脸皱纹、大宽脸小个子的男人。
8、all the craggy mountains yield.───还是峻峭高山,那全部出产。
9、Quoting from Sir Wilfred's letters, he traces the craggy traveller's devotion to his dead father, his mother and three brothers.───梅特兰引用威福瑞信中的话说,这位经历坎坷不平的旅行者热爱自己去世的父亲、母亲还有三个兄弟。
1、In the background the bleak, craggy, high Andes landscape of Potosi - the mining heartland they are abandoning.
2、In the other direction craggy peaks loomed like soaring granite castles, with crystalline blue glaciers spilling and tumbling down their flanks.
3、Nothing in the script, or Auteuil's perky, craggy face can really tell us.
4、He was a tall man with a craggy, rubbery face which twisted and turned, often into a sardonic grin.
5、The menfolk have an aged, craggy appearance, being hunch-backed from their hard labour, and wear a long grey beard.
6、He's a very small man with a lined, craggy face.
7、Above: the craggy coastline offers new treasures at every turn.
8、On the craggy heights of a mountain range the air is heated on a slope.
9、One of those fair-haired characters with a craggy face.
1、The crowd swarmed ashore and soon the forest distances and craggy heights echoed far and near with shoutings and laughter.───人群向岸上涌去,不久,树林中,崎岖的高崖处都回荡着他们的喊叫声和笑声。
2、The craggy mountain range travels along the Mediterranean Sea, sparing only a few coastal valleys for agricultural use or settlement.───崎岖山脉的走向与地中海平行,为数不多的几个临海山谷散落着居民区,他们从事农业生产。
3、"That's craggy old Wall, anyway, " seems to be the conventional wisdom.───“反正是道路崎岖的破墙,”人们通常“明智”地认为。
4、The landscape is craggy, with high dunes, enormous rocky outcrops and unspoiled beaches that seem to go on forever.───这一地区地形崎岖,沙丘高耸,露出地面的岩层遍布,还有保存完整并且似乎会一直保持下去的海滩。
5、On the far side of the open stood one of the hills, with two quaint, craggy peaks, shining vividly in the sun.───这片开阔地带的尽头耸立着那三座山峰中的一座,它的两个古怪的嶙峋峰顶在阳光下辉煌夺目。
6、As the train follows the shores of Qinghai Lake, craggy peaks surface across the vast frozen tundra.───当火车沿着青海湖驶进时,峻峭的山峰顶出现在广阔的寒带草原对面。
7、He's a very small man with a lined, craggy face.───他是一位满脸皱纹、大宽脸小个子的男人。
8、all the craggy mountains yield.───还是峻峭高山,那全部出产。
9、Quoting from Sir Wilfred's letters, he traces the craggy traveller's devotion to his dead father, his mother and three brothers.───梅特兰引用威福瑞信中的话说,这位经历坎坷不平的旅行者热爱自己去世的父亲、母亲还有三个兄弟。
1、In the background the bleak, craggy, high Andes landscape of Potosi - the mining heartland they are abandoning.
2、In the other direction craggy peaks loomed like soaring granite castles, with crystalline blue glaciers spilling and tumbling down their flanks.
3、Nothing in the script, or Auteuil's perky, craggy face can really tell us.
4、He was a tall man with a craggy, rubbery face which twisted and turned, often into a sardonic grin.
5、The menfolk have an aged, craggy appearance, being hunch-backed from their hard labour, and wear a long grey beard.
6、He's a very small man with a lined, craggy face.
7、Above: the craggy coastline offers new treasures at every turn.
8、On the craggy heights of a mountain range the air is heated on a slope.
9、One of those fair-haired characters with a craggy face.