1、That estimate does not include recent casualties, such as Woolworths, a big general store, MFI, a furniture chain, and Adams, a children’s clothing shop.───这个判断并没有包括最近的破产,例如大型综合商店伍尔沃斯 (Woolworths),家具连锁店MFI和儿童服装店Adams。
2、In general, it's free to create a shop, but the site will charge a small listing fee and/or sales fee.───一般来说,建立一个网上商店是免费的,只是站点会收取少量的GuaPai费和交易费。
3、to relieve her poverty , hepzibah opens a small general shop on the ground floor of the house.───为了摆脱贫穷,赫普兹芭在一楼开了一个小杂货店。
4、Mr. Wopsle's great-aunt , besides keeping this Educational Institution, kept - in the same room - a little general shop.───沃甫赛的姑婆除了创办这一所教育实体外,在同一间屋子中还开了一个小小的杂货铺。
5、I tried to chat him up at the general shop. He laughed. Seriously?───我试图在杂货店同他搭讪。”他笑着说。“当真?”
6、General shop tool storage cabinets or cabinets with tools───普通商店工具储藏柜或工具柜
general shop(英语使用场景)
1、Mr. Wopsle's great-aunt , besides keeping this Educational Institution, kept - in the same room - a little general shop.
general shop(意思翻译)
general shop(相似词语短语)
1、general practitioners───全科医生;一般科医师;n.全科医师( general practitioner的名词复数 )
2、brigadier general───n.(美国)准将;美国空军或海军陆战队准将
3、discriminating general───鉴别将军
4、general trend───一般趋势
5、inspector general───n.检查长,监察长; 总监;n.监察长;检查长;视察团主任
6、general───n. (General)(英)杰纳勒尔(人名);adj.一般的,普通的;综合的;大体的;n.一般;将军,上将;常规
8、general condition───一般情况;一般条件条款
9、general ideal───一般理想
general shop(双语使用场景)
1、That estimate does not include recent casualties, such as Woolworths, a big general store, MFI, a furniture chain, and Adams, a children’s clothing shop.───这个判断并没有包括最近的破产,例如大型综合商店伍尔沃斯 (Woolworths),家具连锁店MFI和儿童服装店Adams。
2、In general, it's free to create a shop, but the site will charge a small listing fee and/or sales fee.───一般来说,建立一个网上商店是免费的,只是站点会收取少量的GuaPai费和交易费。
3、to relieve her poverty , hepzibah opens a small general shop on the ground floor of the house.───为了摆脱贫穷,赫普兹芭在一楼开了一个小杂货店。
4、Mr. Wopsle's great-aunt , besides keeping this Educational Institution, kept - in the same room - a little general shop.───沃甫赛的姑婆除了创办这一所教育实体外,在同一间屋子中还开了一个小小的杂货铺。
5、I tried to chat him up at the general shop. He laughed. Seriously?───我试图在杂货店同他搭讪。”他笑着说。“当真?”
6、General shop tool storage cabinets or cabinets with tools───普通商店工具储藏柜或工具柜
general shop(英语使用场景)
1、Mr. Wopsle's great-aunt , besides keeping this Educational Institution, kept - in the same room - a little general shop.