1、years she had tried to block out that part of her life.───多年来她努力想把她生命中的那一段经历从记忆中抹去。
2、John, a fireman, leaped from the roof of an apartment block to save a lovesick woman who had jumped out of her fifth-floor window.───约翰是一名消防员,为了救一名从五楼窗户跳下的患相思病的女子,他从公寓楼的楼顶跳下。
3、To borrow an image from Jim Butcher (one of my favourite authors), it’s like lifting an engine block out of a car.───借用我最喜欢的作家吉姆.巴切笔下的一个形象说法,就象从车里抬出引擎。
4、A is the surface of the substrate of the master, out of block ricketfsiase or fog.───a被转印基材的暗地不梢来不离有雀斑或雾状块。
out of block(意思翻译)
out of block(相似词语短语)
1、block puzzle───方块拼图
2、out of───由于;缺乏;自……离开;用……(材料);prep.由于; 用…(材料); 自…离开; 得自(来源); 缺乏
3、a block of───一块,一大块…
5、block of flat───公寓大楼
6、block out───封闭;概略画出;遮住; 遮挡…使不被印出来; 画出…的略图; 打草样
7、trade block───贸易集团
8、dark block───暗块
9、snaky block───蛇形块
out of block(双语使用场景)
1、years she had tried to block out that part of her life.───多年来她努力想把她生命中的那一段经历从记忆中抹去。
2、John, a fireman, leaped from the roof of an apartment block to save a lovesick woman who had jumped out of her fifth-floor window.───约翰是一名消防员,为了救一名从五楼窗户跳下的患相思病的女子,他从公寓楼的楼顶跳下。
3、To borrow an image from Jim Butcher (one of my favourite authors), it’s like lifting an engine block out of a car.───借用我最喜欢的作家吉姆.巴切笔下的一个形象说法,就象从车里抬出引擎。
4、A is the surface of the substrate of the master, out of block ricketfsiase or fog.───a被转印基材的暗地不梢来不离有雀斑或雾状块。