1、Also, without efficient asset controls, critical equipment could become unusable if needed preventative maintenance and regulation-directed calibrations are not performed in a timely manner.───而且,没有有效的资产控制,这些紧急设备有可能真的就不能用了,因为往往不能及时地对这些设备进行必需的预防性维护以及符合规定的校准。
2、Chloe, a regulation manager for medical equipment, said: 'I had moved back to the UK after spending time working in Australia and the house needed brightening up.───克洛伊是一位医疗设备监管经理,她说到:“在澳洲工作了一段时间后我搬回英国,家里需要装饰。”
3、Structure safety of large port machine is the primary task of the equipment regulation in the port enterprises.───大型港机结构的安全管理是港口企业设备管理工作的主要内容。
equipment regulation(意思翻译)
equipment regulation(相似词语短语)
1、self regulation───自动调整;自律;自动调节,自动平衡
3、playground equipment───游乐场设备
5、restaurant equipment───餐厅设备
6、financial regulation───金融监管;财务监管;n.金融管制; [财]金融条例; [法]财政法规
7、demobilize equipment───设备出场
8、patchwork regulation───拼凑规则
9、lapidary equipment───宝石设备
equipment regulation(双语使用场景)
1、Also, without efficient asset controls, critical equipment could become unusable if needed preventative maintenance and regulation-directed calibrations are not performed in a timely manner.───而且,没有有效的资产控制,这些紧急设备有可能真的就不能用了,因为往往不能及时地对这些设备进行必需的预防性维护以及符合规定的校准。
2、Chloe, a regulation manager for medical equipment, said: 'I had moved back to the UK after spending time working in Australia and the house needed brightening up.───克洛伊是一位医疗设备监管经理,她说到:“在澳洲工作了一段时间后我搬回英国,家里需要装饰。”
3、Structure safety of large port machine is the primary task of the equipment regulation in the port enterprises.───大型港机结构的安全管理是港口企业设备管理工作的主要内容。