1、theoretical calculation value of some common transition fit is compared with practical statistical value, which is of practically reference to the accuracy selection in mechanical design.───对几种常用过渡配合的理论计算值及实际统计值作比较,这对于机械设计中的精度选择有实际参考意义。
2、And while a user may fill multiple roles at any given time, a common workflow allows for a more clearly defined transition between these roles.───尽管用户可能在任意已知时刻填充多个角色,通用工作流也能考虑到这些角色之间更明显的确定转换。
3、This article provides an overview of a successful product management transition to Agile, the most common pitfall to avoid and proposed solutions to the new challenges that arise.───本文将给出一个成功过渡到敏捷产品管理的概览,指出要避免的常见陷阱是什么,应对新挑战有哪些建议的解决方案。
common transition(意思翻译)
common transition(相似词语短语)
1、transition to───向…过渡,向…转变;向……过渡
2、transition period───[经]过渡时期;过渡周期
3、contradicting transition───矛盾过渡
4、transition times───瞬变时间,[电子]渡越时间;[分化]迁移时间
5、common───n.普通;平民;公有地;n. (Common)(法)科蒙,(英)康芒(人名);adj.共同的;普通的;一般的;通常的
6、delaying transition───延迟过渡
7、phase transition───[物]相变
8、transition statement───过渡语句
9、roughening transition───粗糙化转变
common transition(双语使用场景)
1、theoretical calculation value of some common transition fit is compared with practical statistical value, which is of practically reference to the accuracy selection in mechanical design.───对几种常用过渡配合的理论计算值及实际统计值作比较,这对于机械设计中的精度选择有实际参考意义。
2、And while a user may fill multiple roles at any given time, a common workflow allows for a more clearly defined transition between these roles.───尽管用户可能在任意已知时刻填充多个角色,通用工作流也能考虑到这些角色之间更明显的确定转换。
3、This article provides an overview of a successful product management transition to Agile, the most common pitfall to avoid and proposed solutions to the new challenges that arise.───本文将给出一个成功过渡到敏捷产品管理的概览,指出要避免的常见陷阱是什么,应对新挑战有哪些建议的解决方案。