1、Wonderful photo series by Theresa Knudson features creative portraits of her daydreaming cat.───精彩的照片系列选自Theresa Knudson的白日梦猫咪创意图片集
2、Just like lasagna-loving Garfield, this fat cat grew to such a size by eating all the food his owner provides.(See photo)───菲一样,这只胖猫也特别爱吃意大利面,并且总是能把主人给它的食物一扫而光,因此才长得如此肥胖。
3、Like many people, I needed a cat photo for my personal website.───和许多人一样,我要给我的个人网页配一张猫的图。
cat photo(意思翻译)
cat photo(相似词语短语)
1、saves photo───保存照片
2、cat cat───猫猫
3、photo control───光控制
4、two photo───两张照片
5、take photo───拍照
6、best photo───最佳照片
8、yellow photo───HuangSeZhaoPian
9、photo mask───遮光模,光掩模;光掩膜
cat photo(双语使用场景)
1、Wonderful photo series by Theresa Knudson features creative portraits of her daydreaming cat.───精彩的照片系列选自Theresa Knudson的白日梦猫咪创意图片集
2、Just like lasagna-loving Garfield, this fat cat grew to such a size by eating all the food his owner provides.(See photo)───菲一样,这只胖猫也特别爱吃意大利面,并且总是能把主人给它的食物一扫而光,因此才长得如此肥胖。
3、Like many people, I needed a cat photo for my personal website.───和许多人一样,我要给我的个人网页配一张猫的图。