1、But in specialties ranging from cardiac care to paediatric care, they could become as essential in daily medicine as the stethoscope.───但在心脏护理至儿科护理的专业领域中,核对表或许可以成为像听诊器那样的日常医疗必备物品。
2、I ordered one last dose of drug cocktail and put a call in for transfer to the cardiac care unit.───我要了最后一个剂量的混合药物,并打电话要求将病人转移到心脏监护病房。
3、We are pleased to invite you to Istanbul for the Acute Cardiac Care Congress 2012.───我们很荣幸的邀请您来伊斯坦布尔参加2012年的急性心脏病治疗会议。
4、Cardiac rehabilitation is an important aspect of cardiac care strategies.───心脏康复的一个重要方面是心脏护理战略。
5、In specialties ranging from cardiac care to pediatric care, they could become as essential in daily medicine as the stethoscope.───在心脏护理至儿科护理的专业领域中,它们在日常医学中可能会像听诊器一样不可或缺。
6、Objective: To know about the sleep quality and its influencing factors of patients in cardiac care unit(CCU).───了解心脏监护室 (C C U)病人的睡眠质量及其影响因素。
7、The program is diverse and includes content that will satisfy all participants interested in acute cardiac care.───计划丰富,将符合所有参与者很感兴趣的急性心脏保健内容。
8、A comprehensive appreciation of the architecture of the coronary arterial system, therefore, is crucial to optimal cardiac care.───全面赞赏的结构冠状动脉XiTong,因此是至关重要的最佳心脏保健。
cardiac care(英语使用场景)
1、I ordered one last dose of drug cocktail and put a call in for transfer to the cardiac care unit.
2、For instance, members can now receive radiation oncology, eye surgery, and emergency cardiac care from Summit Medical Center.
cardiac care(意思翻译)
cardiac care(相似词语短语)
1、cardiac index───心排血指数;心脏指数
2、cardiac massage───[外科]心脏按摩;心脏按压
3、cardiac tamponade───心压塞;心脏填塞;心脏压塞
4、cardiac muscle───n.心肌;n.[解剖]心肌
5、catheterism cardiac───心导管术
7、cardiac unit───[医]心脏病房
8、insufficient cardiac───心脏功能不全
9、cardiac catheterization───心导管ChaRu法,心导管检查术; 心导管术;心导管;[内科]心导管ChaRu术
cardiac care(双语使用场景)
1、But in specialties ranging from cardiac care to paediatric care, they could become as essential in daily medicine as the stethoscope.───但在心脏护理至儿科护理的专业领域中,核对表或许可以成为像听诊器那样的日常医疗必备物品。
2、I ordered one last dose of drug cocktail and put a call in for transfer to the cardiac care unit.───我要了最后一个剂量的混合药物,并打电话要求将病人转移到心脏监护病房。
3、We are pleased to invite you to Istanbul for the Acute Cardiac Care Congress 2012.───我们很荣幸的邀请您来伊斯坦布尔参加2012年的急性心脏病治疗会议。
4、Cardiac rehabilitation is an important aspect of cardiac care strategies.───心脏康复的一个重要方面是心脏护理战略。
5、In specialties ranging from cardiac care to pediatric care, they could become as essential in daily medicine as the stethoscope.───在心脏护理至儿科护理的专业领域中,它们在日常医学中可能会像听诊器一样不可或缺。
6、Objective: To know about the sleep quality and its influencing factors of patients in cardiac care unit(CCU).───了解心脏监护室 (C C U)病人的睡眠质量及其影响因素。
7、The program is diverse and includes content that will satisfy all participants interested in acute cardiac care.───计划丰富,将符合所有参与者很感兴趣的急性心脏保健内容。
8、A comprehensive appreciation of the architecture of the coronary arterial system, therefore, is crucial to optimal cardiac care.───全面赞赏的结构冠状动脉XiTong,因此是至关重要的最佳心脏保健。
cardiac care(英语使用场景)
1、I ordered one last dose of drug cocktail and put a call in for transfer to the cardiac care unit.
2、For instance, members can now receive radiation oncology, eye surgery, and emergency cardiac care from Summit Medical Center.