1、The past participles of a number of verbs have evolved into past participle adjectives in daily use.───很多动词的过去分词已经在日常使用中作为形容词来使用。
2、Participles have the following basic functions.───基本上分词有以下几个作用。
3、Note that the past participles of irregular verbs do not end in '-ed', but can be used as adjectives.───注意:不规则动词的过去分词,不能加“-ed”,但可用作形容词。
4、participles or gerunds in the following sentences and give their functions.───下列句子中的分词和动名词,并说明它们的作用。
5、Participles , as I mentioned earlier are verbs used as adjectives.───如同先前提过,分词是作为形容词使用的动词;
6、In Latin, there are four types of participles . Two, happen to be in the active voice, and two happen to be in the passive voice.───拉丁文中有四种分词,其中两种为主动语态,两种为被动语态。
7、Participles are formed from verbs.───词是从动词中分出来的。
8、Writing carefully , dangling participles should not be used .───认真写作,不要使用虚悬分词。
9、Errors often occurring in business writing are those with pronouns, adjectives, articles, verbs , adverbs, conjunctions and participles.───商业写作中的错误经常发生在代名词,形容词,冠词,动词,副词,连接词和分词上面。
1、Note that the past participles of irregular verbs do not end in '-ed', but can be used as adjectives.
2、There are no dangling participles or misplaced modifiers.
3、'Done' and 'seen' are the past participles of 'do' and 'see'.
4、In the sentences 'He's sleeping' and 'I've already eaten', the words 'sleeping' and 'eaten' are both participles.
5、In the sentences 'The children are watching television', 'The weather is getting colder' and 'I heard him singing', 'watching', 'getting' and 'singing' are present participles.
6、Participles and participial phrases are usually used as modifiers in modern English texts.
7、'Hurrying' and 'hurried' are the present and past participles of 'hurry'.
8、There are two participles, the present participle and the past participle.
9、The teacher will question us on the use of present participles tomorrow.
1、The past participles of a number of verbs have evolved into past participle adjectives in daily use.───很多动词的过去分词已经在日常使用中作为形容词来使用。
2、Participles have the following basic functions.───基本上分词有以下几个作用。
3、Note that the past participles of irregular verbs do not end in '-ed', but can be used as adjectives.───注意:不规则动词的过去分词,不能加“-ed”,但可用作形容词。
4、participles or gerunds in the following sentences and give their functions.───下列句子中的分词和动名词,并说明它们的作用。
5、Participles , as I mentioned earlier are verbs used as adjectives.───如同先前提过,分词是作为形容词使用的动词;
6、In Latin, there are four types of participles . Two, happen to be in the active voice, and two happen to be in the passive voice.───拉丁文中有四种分词,其中两种为主动语态,两种为被动语态。
7、Participles are formed from verbs.───词是从动词中分出来的。
8、Writing carefully , dangling participles should not be used .───认真写作,不要使用虚悬分词。
9、Errors often occurring in business writing are those with pronouns, adjectives, articles, verbs , adverbs, conjunctions and participles.───商业写作中的错误经常发生在代名词,形容词,冠词,动词,副词,连接词和分词上面。
1、Note that the past participles of irregular verbs do not end in '-ed', but can be used as adjectives.
2、There are no dangling participles or misplaced modifiers.
3、'Done' and 'seen' are the past participles of 'do' and 'see'.
4、In the sentences 'He's sleeping' and 'I've already eaten', the words 'sleeping' and 'eaten' are both participles.
5、In the sentences 'The children are watching television', 'The weather is getting colder' and 'I heard him singing', 'watching', 'getting' and 'singing' are present participles.
6、Participles and participial phrases are usually used as modifiers in modern English texts.
7、'Hurrying' and 'hurried' are the present and past participles of 'hurry'.
8、There are two participles, the present participle and the past participle.
9、The teacher will question us on the use of present participles tomorrow.