1、Yew placed the dog down on the surfboard to take a photo, and the scene looked so natural that Yew was inspired to take the next step.───紫杉把狗冲浪板上放下拍照了,和现场看上去是那么自然,红豆杉受到鼓舞,采取下一步行动。
2、The beauty of wine is supposed to be that, unlike so much of the food and drink we consume today, it is so "natural" .───人们认为,葡萄酒的优点在于,不同于现今的许多食品和饮料,它是如此“天然”。
3、She is an actress, everything she does is so natural that you can't believe that she is acting.───她是个好演员,她的一举一动都很自然,你不会感觉她是在做戏。
4、"Sometimes people value things that you don't realize; it might be so natural to you that it is unnoticeable, " Ceniza-Levine says.───“有时候,人们并没有认识到自己的价值。它可能是对你来说不明显的、自然不过的事情,”塞内扎·勒冯说。
5、He understood by a sort of instinct so natural that he did not know it was understanding.───他的理解是出于一种本能,这种本能如此自然,以致于他不知道那是一种理解。
6、Everything is so natural!───一切都是那么自然!
7、It was such a real voice and it seemed so natural that he should hear it.───这声音是那么真实,那么自然,他听得清清楚楚。
8、Like an American will not think about arranged marriage which is so natural here.───就像一个美国人也不会去考虑一个被安排好的婚姻,但这在印度是再正常不过的事了。
9、Therefore, the doctor for the deceased woman could be so natural for her death.───所以,那位产妇的主治医生对产妇的死亡可以视若无睹。
so natural(英语使用场景)
1、I can put the past you're so natural, I think I really let go.
2、He also has some moves so natural that one hesitates to call them steps: lovely, light-footed walks, struts, jumps, and runs.
3、It seems so natural to use this phrase that we too easily forget its implications.
4、Not so natural to put her down with a thud and devour her with a kiss.
5、Olmsted's works appear so natural that one critic wrote, One thinks of them as something not put there by artifice but merely preserved by happenstance.
6、I can put the past you're so natural, I think I rea.
7、It seems so natural and pure, so perfect.
8、So natural selection pushes the population even further towards the Always Defect extreme.
9、Think of you every day,your company,happiness is so natural.
so natural(意思翻译)
so natural(相似词语短语)
1、cicatrizante natural───自然愈合
2、natural endowment───先天禀赋;天然条件;天然条件; 禀赋
3、natural nine───自然九
4、natural causes───自然因素
5、natural process───自然过程;天然过程;天然过程,自然过程
7、natural person───[法]自然人(区别于法人)
8、natural mellow───自然醇厚
9、natural amber───天然琥珀
so natural(双语使用场景)
1、Yew placed the dog down on the surfboard to take a photo, and the scene looked so natural that Yew was inspired to take the next step.───紫杉把狗冲浪板上放下拍照了,和现场看上去是那么自然,红豆杉受到鼓舞,采取下一步行动。
2、The beauty of wine is supposed to be that, unlike so much of the food and drink we consume today, it is so "natural" .───人们认为,葡萄酒的优点在于,不同于现今的许多食品和饮料,它是如此“天然”。
3、She is an actress, everything she does is so natural that you can't believe that she is acting.───她是个好演员,她的一举一动都很自然,你不会感觉她是在做戏。
4、"Sometimes people value things that you don't realize; it might be so natural to you that it is unnoticeable, " Ceniza-Levine says.───“有时候,人们并没有认识到自己的价值。它可能是对你来说不明显的、自然不过的事情,”塞内扎·勒冯说。
5、He understood by a sort of instinct so natural that he did not know it was understanding.───他的理解是出于一种本能,这种本能如此自然,以致于他不知道那是一种理解。
6、Everything is so natural!───一切都是那么自然!
7、It was such a real voice and it seemed so natural that he should hear it.───这声音是那么真实,那么自然,他听得清清楚楚。
8、Like an American will not think about arranged marriage which is so natural here.───就像一个美国人也不会去考虑一个被安排好的婚姻,但这在印度是再正常不过的事了。
9、Therefore, the doctor for the deceased woman could be so natural for her death.───所以,那位产妇的主治医生对产妇的死亡可以视若无睹。
so natural(英语使用场景)
1、I can put the past you're so natural, I think I really let go.
2、He also has some moves so natural that one hesitates to call them steps: lovely, light-footed walks, struts, jumps, and runs.
3、It seems so natural to use this phrase that we too easily forget its implications.
4、Not so natural to put her down with a thud and devour her with a kiss.
5、Olmsted's works appear so natural that one critic wrote, One thinks of them as something not put there by artifice but merely preserved by happenstance.
6、I can put the past you're so natural, I think I rea.
7、It seems so natural and pure, so perfect.
8、So natural selection pushes the population even further towards the Always Defect extreme.
9、Think of you every day,your company,happiness is so natural.