1、the drug resistance mechanism is a chromosome mutation primarily;───细菌耐药性机制主要是染色体突变;
2、Challenge: a mutation on the X chromosome is the most common known cause of autism.───挑战:X染色体上的突变是最常见的自闭症病因。
3、Fragile X syndrome, a single genetic mutation on the X chromosome, is the most common source of inherited mental impairment, affecting one in every 4,000 boys and one in every 6,000 girls.───脆性X综合征,一个X染色体上的基因突变,是遗传性智力障碍最常见的来源,每4000名男孩和每6000名女孩中就有一名儿童患有该症。
4、Hemophilia is caused by a mutation—likely spontaneous in Victoria‘s case—on the X chromosome and can be passed along the maternal line of families.───血友病源于X染色体上的一种突变——很可能是维多利亚女皇自身发生的一种突变,可经由遗传XiTong传给家族后代。
chromosome mutation(意思翻译)
chromosome mutation(相似词语短语)
1、deletion mutation───缺失突变
2、balancer chromosome───平衡染色体
3、duplicated chromosome───重复染色体
4、chromosome disorder───染色体变异
5、mutation definition───突变定义
7、advantageous mutation───有利突变
9、homologous chromosome───[遗]同源染色体
chromosome mutation(双语使用场景)
1、the drug resistance mechanism is a chromosome mutation primarily;───细菌耐药性机制主要是染色体突变;
2、Challenge: a mutation on the X chromosome is the most common known cause of autism.───挑战:X染色体上的突变是最常见的自闭症病因。
3、Fragile X syndrome, a single genetic mutation on the X chromosome, is the most common source of inherited mental impairment, affecting one in every 4,000 boys and one in every 6,000 girls.───脆性X综合征,一个X染色体上的基因突变,是遗传性智力障碍最常见的来源,每4000名男孩和每6000名女孩中就有一名儿童患有该症。
4、Hemophilia is caused by a mutation—likely spontaneous in Victoria‘s case—on the X chromosome and can be passed along the maternal line of families.───血友病源于X染色体上的一种突变——很可能是维多利亚女皇自身发生的一种突变,可经由遗传XiTong传给家族后代。