1、I'll clear out that closet and then you can hang your clothes there.───我把那个小衣橱清理出来,你可以把衣服挂在那里。
2、She made it clear that she was there to hang out with them.───她很明白,她该和他们一起出去玩。
3、Wow, that feels cool, having a clear space to sit down and hang out with nothing on my mind except what's here.───哇,我觉得那样很酷,想像一下拥有一个清爽的空间,坐下来,脑子里除了手头以外没有别的烦心事。
hang clear(意思翻译)
hang clear(相似词语短语)
1、hang───vt.悬挂,垂下;装饰;绞死;使悬而未决;n. (Hang)(罗)汉格;(东南亚国家华语)康;(老)汉;(柬)韩(用于名字第一节);(英)杭(人名);n.悬挂;暂停,中止;vi.悬着,垂下;被绞死;悬而不决
2、clear and clear───清清楚楚
3、hang me───吊死我
4、Ngoc Hang───Ngoc声音
5、hang streamer───悬挂拖缆
6、hang down───挂下来; 下垂; 低; 垂
8、hang over───笼罩;威胁;被遗留下;挂在…之上,悬浮在…之上; 威胁,即将降临[发生]; 搭
9、hang into───坚持
hang clear(双语使用场景)
1、I'll clear out that closet and then you can hang your clothes there.───我把那个小衣橱清理出来,你可以把衣服挂在那里。
2、She made it clear that she was there to hang out with them.───她很明白,她该和他们一起出去玩。
3、Wow, that feels cool, having a clear space to sit down and hang out with nothing on my mind except what's here.───哇,我觉得那样很酷,想像一下拥有一个清爽的空间,坐下来,脑子里除了手头以外没有别的烦心事。