1、Instead of looking outside a company for successors to high-ranking positions, many heads of human resources are now realizing they can mine for top talent from their own ranks.───目前,许多人力资源主管开始意识到,他们可以从公司内部挖掘人才,接任高层管理职位,而不是从公司外部招聘。
2、When all the companies are arduously looking for the new gold mine, Overture created an unprecedented concept, ranking auctions, an ideal commercial mode for search engine.───当每一家公司都在辛勤的探寻着新的金矿时,一个新的、史无前例的、搜索引擎完美的模式出现了——竞价排名。
3、Our enemies will mine this information looking for insights into how we operate, cultivate sources and react in combat situations, even the capability of our equipment.───我们的敌人将会挖掘这些信息来深入了解我们的运作行动,根据其而培养士兵和他们的战斗反映,甚至我们设备的能力。
looking for mine(意思翻译)
looking for mine(相似词语短语)
1、oh mine mine mine───哦,我的,我的
2、mine oh mine───我的哦我的
3、mine mine───n.(Minemine)人名;(日)峰峰(姓)
4、looking for───寻找
5、looking for alaska───寻找ALa斯加
6、organization looking for aliens───寻找外星人的组织
8、looking for love───爱的追寻
looking for mine(双语使用场景)
1、Instead of looking outside a company for successors to high-ranking positions, many heads of human resources are now realizing they can mine for top talent from their own ranks.───目前,许多人力资源主管开始意识到,他们可以从公司内部挖掘人才,接任高层管理职位,而不是从公司外部招聘。
2、When all the companies are arduously looking for the new gold mine, Overture created an unprecedented concept, ranking auctions, an ideal commercial mode for search engine.───当每一家公司都在辛勤的探寻着新的金矿时,一个新的、史无前例的、搜索引擎完美的模式出现了——竞价排名。
3、Our enemies will mine this information looking for insights into how we operate, cultivate sources and react in combat situations, even the capability of our equipment.───我们的敌人将会挖掘这些信息来深入了解我们的运作行动,根据其而培养士兵和他们的战斗反映,甚至我们设备的能力。