1、He recently received a letter from a parent of a toddler wanting to know where the child needs to go in order to get accepted at Caltech.───我最近收到了一封来自一位幼儿父母的信,想知道为了将来进入加州理工学院,他的孩子应该去哪里读书。
2、An official letter of designation on the letter-head of a recognized media organization signed by an editor will also be accepted.───也将接受使用公认的新闻媒体组织印有抬头的信笺并经编辑签署的正式委任书。
3、Please append to the copy if the relevant thesis has been published or the accepted letter of journal and the copy of your dissertation without being published.───相关论文已正式发表请附上抽印本(或影印本),如未正式发表,请附上该期刊之“接受发表”信函以及论文影印本。
accepted letter(意思翻译)
accepted letter(相似词语短语)
2、widely accepted───普遍认可的;广泛接受的
3、conditionally accepted───有条件地被接受
4、verbally accepted───口头接受
5、accepted practice───习惯作法;认可惯例;常例;习惯作法; 认可惯例; 常例
6、if accepted───如果接受
7、accepted value───容许值;[财]承诺价值; [计]允许值
8、technically accepted───技术上接受
9、accepted film───接受的胶片
accepted letter(双语使用场景)
1、He recently received a letter from a parent of a toddler wanting to know where the child needs to go in order to get accepted at Caltech.───我最近收到了一封来自一位幼儿父母的信,想知道为了将来进入加州理工学院,他的孩子应该去哪里读书。
2、An official letter of designation on the letter-head of a recognized media organization signed by an editor will also be accepted.───也将接受使用公认的新闻媒体组织印有抬头的信笺并经编辑签署的正式委任书。
3、Please append to the copy if the relevant thesis has been published or the accepted letter of journal and the copy of your dissertation without being published.───相关论文已正式发表请附上抽印本(或影印本),如未正式发表,请附上该期刊之“接受发表”信函以及论文影印本。