1、After the publication of this photo, it was revealed that the second missile from the right was digitally added to the image in order to conceal a missile on the ground that did not fire.───是,右数第二发DaoDan是后来加上去的,以掩盖发射失败的事实。
2、Save time and money: usedbooksearch.co.uk aggregates the best online second-hand bookshops Photo: PAUL GROVER───省钱:usedbooksearch.co.uk 收藏了最好的网上二手书店。
3、Next to that, a photo album, and the pictures from her second birthday party.───再过去,是一个相册,里面的照片是她的第二个生日聚会。
photo second(意思翻译)
photo second(相似词语短语)
1、second that───第二个
3、second words───第二个词
4、second alarm───第二次报警
5、lam second───林秒
6、second house───第二个房子
7、second cousin───n.第二代堂兄妹,第二代表兄妹;远房堂或表兄弟姊妹
8、second t───第二个t
9、bravely second───勇气默示录
photo second(双语使用场景)
1、After the publication of this photo, it was revealed that the second missile from the right was digitally added to the image in order to conceal a missile on the ground that did not fire.───是,右数第二发DaoDan是后来加上去的,以掩盖发射失败的事实。
2、Save time and money: usedbooksearch.co.uk aggregates the best online second-hand bookshops Photo: PAUL GROVER───省钱:usedbooksearch.co.uk 收藏了最好的网上二手书店。
3、Next to that, a photo album, and the pictures from her second birthday party.───再过去,是一个相册,里面的照片是她的第二个生日聚会。