1、Other regional delicacies include anagomeshi, or sea eel rice, and tonkatsu ramen from Hakata, a pork-bone white soup with ramen noodles.───其他地方美食包括鳗鱼寿司,或鳗鱼饭,博多豚骨拉面——在猪脊骨高汤中下入拉面。
2、The most classic is the pork-bone soup, which has a milky consistency.───最经典的一种则是浓如奶汁的豚骨汤底。
3、Strengthen nutrition, had better give priority to with soup of pork chop bone.───加强营养,最好以猪排骨汤为主。
pork bone soup(意思翻译)
pork bone soup(相似词语短语)
1、pork head───猪头
3、bone───vt.剔去……的骨;施骨肥于;vi.苦学;专心致志;n. (Bone)(英)博恩;(法、西、罗、塞)博内;(老)奔(人名);n.骨;骨骼
4、sour pork───酸猪肉
5、dongpo pork───东坡肉
6、pork shop───猪肉店
7、cutlet pork───肉排
8、cured pork───腌猪肉
9、pulled pork───n.手撕猪肉,或称“手撕烤(猪)肉
pork bone soup(双语使用场景)
1、Other regional delicacies include anagomeshi, or sea eel rice, and tonkatsu ramen from Hakata, a pork-bone white soup with ramen noodles.───其他地方美食包括鳗鱼寿司,或鳗鱼饭,博多豚骨拉面——在猪脊骨高汤中下入拉面。
2、The most classic is the pork-bone soup, which has a milky consistency.───最经典的一种则是浓如奶汁的豚骨汤底。
3、Strengthen nutrition, had better give priority to with soup of pork chop bone.───加强营养,最好以猪排骨汤为主。