1、paper presents an identification approach based on neural network method with sub-regions to identify damages in a rectangular plate using the LM optimized algorithm.───通过引入LM优化算法,针对矩形薄板中对称结构的损伤识别问题,提出了一种基于神经网络的分区域分步识别方法。
2、password transformed into an LM hash.───密码转换为lm哈希。
3、money supply leads to a left-ward shift in the LM curve, and an increase in the equilibrium interest rate and a decrease in equilibrium output.───货币供给的较小导致LM曲线向左平移,从而均衡利率上升,均衡产出下降。
lm an(意思翻译)
lm an公司
lm an(相似词语短语)
1、lm nice───我很好
2、lm tirfiamly───典型lm
3、lm afraid───我很害怕
4、lm back───我回来了
5、c lm───abbr.通信线路多路转换器(communicationslinemulti-plexer)
6、lm you───我是你吗
7、lm home───我回家了
8、lm lay───我躺着
9、lm hot───我很热
lm an(双语使用场景)
1、paper presents an identification approach based on neural network method with sub-regions to identify damages in a rectangular plate using the LM optimized algorithm.───通过引入LM优化算法,针对矩形薄板中对称结构的损伤识别问题,提出了一种基于神经网络的分区域分步识别方法。
2、password transformed into an LM hash.───密码转换为lm哈希。
3、money supply leads to a left-ward shift in the LM curve, and an increase in the equilibrium interest rate and a decrease in equilibrium output.───货币供给的较小导致LM曲线向左平移,从而均衡利率上升,均衡产出下降。