1、Peter, as Lindsey Hughes has argued, was highly suspicious of any alternative to state service, especially the monastic way of life, which I've already said.───正如林赛·休斯所说的那样,彼得对任何以其他方式服务国家的行为,都持怀疑态度,尤其是僧侣生活,这我在前面已经提到过了
2、in this context it might be necessary to develop the necessary legislation for non-state service providers.───在这方面,必须为非政府服务机构制定出必要的法规。
3、If there is one rich democracy where state service is revered, it is France.───如果说有一个发达国家尊重公务员这一职业的话,那就是法国了。
4、There is one rich democracy where state service is revered, it is France.───只有一个富裕民主国的国家服务受到人们的尊重,那就是法国。
5、Session state is using the out-of-process ASP. NET state service to store state information.───会话状态将使用进程外ASP.NET状态服务来存储状态信息。
6、Peter, as Lindsey Hughes has argued, was highly suspicious of any alternative to state service, especially the monastic way of life.───正如林赛·休斯所说的那样,彼得对任何以其他方式服务国家的行为都非常怀疑,尤其是修道院的生活方式。
7、On the remote server that will store session-state information, make sure that the ASP. NET state service is running.───在将要存储会话状态信息的远程服务器上,确保ASP.NET状态服务正在运行。
8、Network state service device, information distribution system, control method and storage medium.───网络状态服务器,信息分布XiTong,控制方法和存储介质。
9、Make sure that the ASP. NET state service is running on the remote server that stores the session-state information.───确保运行ASP.NET状态服务的服务器是存储会话状态信息的远程服务器。
state service(意思翻译)
state service(相似词语短语)
2、self service───开架销售
3、seismographs service───地震仪服务
4、wire service───n.通讯社
5、friendliest service───最友好的服务
6、state a state───州
7、second service───第二次发球
8、state───adj.国家的;州的;正式的;n. (State)(罗、瑞典)斯塔特;(英)斯泰特(人名);vt.规定;声明;陈述;n.国家;州;情形
9、fine service───优质服务
state service(双语使用场景)
1、Peter, as Lindsey Hughes has argued, was highly suspicious of any alternative to state service, especially the monastic way of life, which I've already said.───正如林赛·休斯所说的那样,彼得对任何以其他方式服务国家的行为,都持怀疑态度,尤其是僧侣生活,这我在前面已经提到过了
2、in this context it might be necessary to develop the necessary legislation for non-state service providers.───在这方面,必须为非政府服务机构制定出必要的法规。
3、If there is one rich democracy where state service is revered, it is France.───如果说有一个发达国家尊重公务员这一职业的话,那就是法国了。
4、There is one rich democracy where state service is revered, it is France.───只有一个富裕民主国的国家服务受到人们的尊重,那就是法国。
5、Session state is using the out-of-process ASP. NET state service to store state information.───会话状态将使用进程外ASP.NET状态服务来存储状态信息。
6、Peter, as Lindsey Hughes has argued, was highly suspicious of any alternative to state service, especially the monastic way of life.───正如林赛·休斯所说的那样,彼得对任何以其他方式服务国家的行为都非常怀疑,尤其是修道院的生活方式。
7、On the remote server that will store session-state information, make sure that the ASP. NET state service is running.───在将要存储会话状态信息的远程服务器上,确保ASP.NET状态服务正在运行。
8、Network state service device, information distribution system, control method and storage medium.───网络状态服务器,信息分布XiTong,控制方法和存储介质。
9、Make sure that the ASP. NET state service is running on the remote server that stores the session-state information.───确保运行ASP.NET状态服务的服务器是存储会话状态信息的远程服务器。