1、Objective To compare the clinical results of close reduction plus cannulated screw system and open reduction plus bone flap transfer treating femoral neck fractures.───目的探讨股骨颈骨折采用闭合复位加空心钉固定与切开复位空心钉固定加骨瓣移植的临床效果。
2、Variation of the screw Angle results in reduction of purchase of the locking interface, or cross-threading the head.───螺钉角度的变异会致使锁定界面的减少或跨螺纹的头。
3、reasons of internal fixation failure were nonanatomically reduction of fractures, unrigid interal fixation, over early weight bearing and poor placement of lag screw.───内固定失败原因是术中骨折未解剖复位、内固定不坚强、过早完全负重以及拉力螺钉位置不良。
reduction screw(意思翻译)
reduction screw(相似词语短语)
1、reduction crossword───减少纵横字谜
2、screw it───不管了(口语);BuWanLiao(口语);管他呢(口语)
4、citrate reduction───柠檬酸盐还原
5、oxidation reduction───氧化还原作用
6、balsamic reduction───浓缩意大利醋
7、pollution reduction───污染减轻;污染减少
8、allen screw───[机]六角固定螺丝;艾伦螺旋
reduction screw(双语使用场景)
1、Objective To compare the clinical results of close reduction plus cannulated screw system and open reduction plus bone flap transfer treating femoral neck fractures.───目的探讨股骨颈骨折采用闭合复位加空心钉固定与切开复位空心钉固定加骨瓣移植的临床效果。
2、Variation of the screw Angle results in reduction of purchase of the locking interface, or cross-threading the head.───螺钉角度的变异会致使锁定界面的减少或跨螺纹的头。
3、reasons of internal fixation failure were nonanatomically reduction of fractures, unrigid interal fixation, over early weight bearing and poor placement of lag screw.───内固定失败原因是术中骨折未解剖复位、内固定不坚强、过早完全负重以及拉力螺钉位置不良。