1、Further more, hybrid navigation of the Twin-Star system and INS has a wide application prospect, so this technology has much research and development potential.───进一步,将双星与INS进行组合导航,应用前景广阔,因此该项技术具有较深的研究开发潜力。
2、Using hybrid GPS-aided navigation, the unit can support search and rescue (SAR) operations.───采用混合GPS辅助航行,该设备能够支持搜索和救援(SAR)Cao作。
3、The LCR-100 also offers a hybrid navigation mode, which permits the aircraft to navigate when GPS data is not available.───LCR-100也提供一个混合的航行模式,当GPS数据无法获得时,允许飞机航行。
hybrid navigation(意思翻译)
hybrid navigation(相似词语短语)
1、active hybrid───主动混合动力
2、curcuma hybrid───姜黄
3、navigation log───导航日志
4、hybrid rice───杂交稻;ZaZhong稻;杂交[水]稻
5、navigation system───[航][水运]导航XiTong
6、hybrid theory───杂交说; 混合理论;杂交说;混合理论
7、navigation bar───导航栏;导航条
9、navigation lights───导航光信号;导航灯;[航][水运]航行灯
hybrid navigation(双语使用场景)
1、Further more, hybrid navigation of the Twin-Star system and INS has a wide application prospect, so this technology has much research and development potential.───进一步,将双星与INS进行组合导航,应用前景广阔,因此该项技术具有较深的研究开发潜力。
2、Using hybrid GPS-aided navigation, the unit can support search and rescue (SAR) operations.───采用混合GPS辅助航行,该设备能够支持搜索和救援(SAR)Cao作。
3、The LCR-100 also offers a hybrid navigation mode, which permits the aircraft to navigate when GPS data is not available.───LCR-100也提供一个混合的航行模式,当GPS数据无法获得时,允许飞机航行。