1、Aldrich chose as the leading experts advising or joining the Commission two men suggested by Morgan leaders.───奥尔德里奇根据摩根财团的建议,选择了两位第一流的专家加入委员会或为他提供咨询服务。
advising commission(英语使用场景)
1、Please disregard above payment instruction, if you have paid the LC advising commission to EMS.
advising commission(意思翻译)
advising commission(相似词语短语)
1、commission plan───市委员制(由选出的委员会管理市政的制度);委员市政制
2、advising gmu───通知gmu
4、advising board───顾问委员会
5、high commission───高级专员公署或辖区;特派使节的职位;特派使节团;n.特派使节的职位,特派使节团
7、advising ut───通知ut
8、advising hold───通知保留
9、advising osu───通知osu
advising commission(双语使用场景)
1、Aldrich chose as the leading experts advising or joining the Commission two men suggested by Morgan leaders.───奥尔德里奇根据摩根财团的建议,选择了两位第一流的专家加入委员会或为他提供咨询服务。
advising commission(英语使用场景)
1、Please disregard above payment instruction, if you have paid the LC advising commission to EMS.