1、Similarly, CDT parsing starts with a Reconciler object, which listens for the same type of events.───同样的,CDT解析开始于Reconciler对象,该对象JianTing相同类型的事件。
2、A user-defined delegate that consumes the ongoing synchronization events reported during the reconciler work.───一种用户定义的委托,使用调解程序工作期间报告的正在执行的同步事件。
3、The PresentationReconciler class updates the text's appearance with every keystroke, and the Reconciler class runs in a daemon thread, parsing the document without holding up the user interface (UI).───presentationreconciler类根据每次击键更新文本的外观,而Reconciler类运行一个守护线程,不必将用户界面(UI)挂起就能解析该文档。
4、Also, the Reconciler is not incremental, which means that the strategy operates on the entire Document whenever a change occurs.───同样,Reconciler也不是增量的,这意味着一发生改变,该策略就会运行于整个Document之上。
5、The Reconciler's thread starts when its listener detects a new Document.───当其JianTing程序检测到一个新Document时,Reconciler的线程开始。
6、This event occurs when the reconciler is started, or when your code performs a synchronization check.───启动协调器或代码执行同步检查时,将发生此事件。
7、This installation allows the reconciler to listen for TextEvents.───此安装允许协调程序JianTingTextEvent。
8、He is a reconciler. the letter, in part, reads: Have our Jewish sisters and brothers forgotten their humiliation?───他已经超越了仇恨,他是一个调解人”在信中,我们可以读到“我们犹太兄弟姐妹们能否忘记他们的仇恨?”
1、This installation allows the reconciler to listen for TextEvents.
2、He is a reconciler. The letter, in part, reads: Have our Jewish sisters and brothers forgotten their humiliation?
3、Similarly, CDT parsing starts with a Reconciler object, which listens for the same type of events.
4、The PresentationReconciler class updates the text's appearance with every keystroke, and the Reconciler class runs in a daemon thread, parsing the document without holding up the user interface (UI).
1、auricle reconstruction Nagata───耳廓再造长田
2、navicular reconstruction───舟骨重建
3、preconceive plus───先入为主
5、preconception pregnancy───早孕
6、preconception counseling───前概念咨询
7、reconsidering my carerrz───重新考虑我的事业
8、reconciliation statement───调节表,(会计)对账表;[会计]对帐表,调整表
9、reconciled to───甘心;接受
10、preconceive vitamins───先入为主的维生素
1、Similarly, CDT parsing starts with a Reconciler object, which listens for the same type of events.───同样的,CDT解析开始于Reconciler对象,该对象JianTing相同类型的事件。
2、A user-defined delegate that consumes the ongoing synchronization events reported during the reconciler work.───一种用户定义的委托,使用调解程序工作期间报告的正在执行的同步事件。
3、The PresentationReconciler class updates the text's appearance with every keystroke, and the Reconciler class runs in a daemon thread, parsing the document without holding up the user interface (UI).───presentationreconciler类根据每次击键更新文本的外观,而Reconciler类运行一个守护线程,不必将用户界面(UI)挂起就能解析该文档。
4、Also, the Reconciler is not incremental, which means that the strategy operates on the entire Document whenever a change occurs.───同样,Reconciler也不是增量的,这意味着一发生改变,该策略就会运行于整个Document之上。
5、The Reconciler's thread starts when its listener detects a new Document.───当其JianTing程序检测到一个新Document时,Reconciler的线程开始。
6、This event occurs when the reconciler is started, or when your code performs a synchronization check.───启动协调器或代码执行同步检查时,将发生此事件。
7、This installation allows the reconciler to listen for TextEvents.───此安装允许协调程序JianTingTextEvent。
8、He is a reconciler. the letter, in part, reads: Have our Jewish sisters and brothers forgotten their humiliation?───他已经超越了仇恨,他是一个调解人”在信中,我们可以读到“我们犹太兄弟姐妹们能否忘记他们的仇恨?”
1、This installation allows the reconciler to listen for TextEvents.
2、He is a reconciler. The letter, in part, reads: Have our Jewish sisters and brothers forgotten their humiliation?
3、Similarly, CDT parsing starts with a Reconciler object, which listens for the same type of events.
4、The PresentationReconciler class updates the text's appearance with every keystroke, and the Reconciler class runs in a daemon thread, parsing the document without holding up the user interface (UI).