1、Nine seconds later, the warning changed to a current alert, indicating the track had passed below the glide slope altitude.───九秒钟之后,警告转变成连续不断的警报,指示航迹已经低于下滑道高度。
2、Standard Guide for Construction and Maintenance of Warning Track Areas on Sports Fields───在运动场警告轨道区域的建设和维护指南
3、Still other sensors (in smart cars) will track and record the wear on parts and systems, alerting the driver to potential trouble, and will even flash warning when pressure in the tires is too low.───另外,(智慧汽车上的)其他传感器会追踪并记录零件与XiTong地磨损情形,借此提醒驾驶人防备潜在的危机,胎压过低时,这些传感器甚至会闪灯警示。
4、Suzuki opened the seventh with a twisting shot to left-center field, but Hideki Matsui snagged it in front of the warning track.───铃木一朗第七局一开始击出一个左外野刁钻的飞球,但是被松井秀喜在全垒打墙前接杀。
5、Might be a risk with him shutting down for 20 minutes after getting gravel from the warning track in his guidance apparatus.───可能是一个危险与他关闭了20分钟后,越来越沙石赛道的警告在他的指导机构。
warning track(英语使用场景)
1、Suzuki opened the seventh with a twisting shot to left-center field, but Hideki Matsui snagged it in front of the warning track .
2、Matsui gloved it on the run near the warning track.
3、Nobody could find it on the warning track, and Tucker went into the clubhouse to look for a spare.
warning track(意思翻译)
warning track(相似词语短语)
1、warning fall───坠落警告
2、warning signal───n.警报信号
4、fatalistic warning───宿命警告
5、warning bell───警铃
6、warning fears───警告性恐惧
7、warning labels───警告标记,警示标示
9、warning light───报警信号灯; 警报灯; 警告信号灯; 告警信号灯;[安全]报警信号灯,警示灯
warning track(双语使用场景)
1、Nine seconds later, the warning changed to a current alert, indicating the track had passed below the glide slope altitude.───九秒钟之后,警告转变成连续不断的警报,指示航迹已经低于下滑道高度。
2、Standard Guide for Construction and Maintenance of Warning Track Areas on Sports Fields───在运动场警告轨道区域的建设和维护指南
3、Still other sensors (in smart cars) will track and record the wear on parts and systems, alerting the driver to potential trouble, and will even flash warning when pressure in the tires is too low.───另外,(智慧汽车上的)其他传感器会追踪并记录零件与XiTong地磨损情形,借此提醒驾驶人防备潜在的危机,胎压过低时,这些传感器甚至会闪灯警示。
4、Suzuki opened the seventh with a twisting shot to left-center field, but Hideki Matsui snagged it in front of the warning track.───铃木一朗第七局一开始击出一个左外野刁钻的飞球,但是被松井秀喜在全垒打墙前接杀。
5、Might be a risk with him shutting down for 20 minutes after getting gravel from the warning track in his guidance apparatus.───可能是一个危险与他关闭了20分钟后,越来越沙石赛道的警告在他的指导机构。
warning track(英语使用场景)
1、Suzuki opened the seventh with a twisting shot to left-center field, but Hideki Matsui snagged it in front of the warning track .
2、Matsui gloved it on the run near the warning track.
3、Nobody could find it on the warning track, and Tucker went into the clubhouse to look for a spare.