1、While making your lists, create a moving schedule and goals to reach for each week up until your moving date.───在列这份清单的时候,创建一份搬迁行程表,将直到你搬迁那天来临之前每个星期要达到的目标列出来。
2、recommended that you acquire the new date of furniture and the moving date stagger.───建议您把添置新家俱日期与搬家日期错开。
3、We can find other ways to give: bake cookies, wash someone’s car, babysit so they can go on a date night, create a photo album, be there when they need help moving.───我们可以通过别的方式给予:亲手烤饼干;帮助别人洗洗车;帮已婚夫妇带宝宝,这样他们能度过一个浪漫的夜晚;制作一本相册集;或者在别人搬家时伸出援助之手。
moving date(英语使用场景)
1、Even if you justto activities in the urban area, you can arrange for a moving date.
moving date(意思翻译)
moving date(相似词语短语)
1、moving average───[数]移动平均数
2、moving party───动议方
4、moving parts───活动件
5、moving pictures───电影;移动的影像(movingpicture的复数);n.电影( moving picture的名词复数 ); 活动图像,电影
6、chaparral moving───夏帕拉移动
7、rhythmically moving───有节奏的移动
8、fast moving───adj.快速移动的
9、slow moving───滞销的;动作缓慢的;[经] (商品,股票等)滞销的; 肉; 慢手慢脚
moving date(双语使用场景)
1、While making your lists, create a moving schedule and goals to reach for each week up until your moving date.───在列这份清单的时候,创建一份搬迁行程表,将直到你搬迁那天来临之前每个星期要达到的目标列出来。
2、recommended that you acquire the new date of furniture and the moving date stagger.───建议您把添置新家俱日期与搬家日期错开。
3、We can find other ways to give: bake cookies, wash someone’s car, babysit so they can go on a date night, create a photo album, be there when they need help moving.───我们可以通过别的方式给予:亲手烤饼干;帮助别人洗洗车;帮已婚夫妇带宝宝,这样他们能度过一个浪漫的夜晚;制作一本相册集;或者在别人搬家时伸出援助之手。
moving date(英语使用场景)
1、Even if you justto activities in the urban area, you can arrange for a moving date.