1、Skeptics also say that even if oil is found in many of these fields, some may not be recoverable using current technology.───怀疑人士也认为,即使在这些地方发现了石油,以现有的技术,有些石油也可能无法开采出来。
2、years and older said they thought current technology was more advanced than they thought it would be.───岁以上的人大约有三分之一说他们认为目前的技术超过了他们的预期。
3、There is certainly something to be said in favor of a society trying to take full advantage of current technology to benefit its citizens.───我们当然可以说社会已经做了一些事情来充分利用现有的技术为公民谋取利益。
4、The underlying cause may be a twist in a gene, or a tiny hormonal imbalance that cannot be detected with current technology.───根本原因可能是某个基因中的变化,或荷尔蒙的轻微失衡,而它们尚不能被当前技术手段检测到。
5、However, they do not sell as they are marginally better than the current technology at a much higher price.───然而,他们并没有卖的比现在价钱稍微贵一点的科技价格高。
6、I would also argue that the current technology environment is different.───我也承认当今的技术环境不同了。
7、Digital home control may be the way of the future, but much of the current technology is still out of reach for the average consumer.───数字家庭的控制可能是未来发展的方向,但目前的技术大部分是对于普通消费者来说仍然遥不可及。
8、The current technology stack is also assessed and documented.───还要评估和记录当前技术堆栈。
9、Current technology allows for secure site design.───目前的技术提供了安全的站点设计。
current technology(英语使用场景)
1、Current technology economics currently only regard economic evaluation with investment project, but ignoring society benefit appraises.
2、The exhaust emissions standards could only be met with current technology by installing three-way catalytic converters in petrol-driven vehicles.
3、One task he undertook was the preparation of a comprehensive account of current technology.
4、This article gives a survey on the current technology of the computer simulation of room acoustics, as known as the construction of virtual acoustical environment.
5、The development history and current technology status of Metal pushing V-belt type CVT about domestic and overseas are reviewed in this dissertation.
6、But the Godson 3C processor will leapfrog current technology by using a 28-nanometer process, although this will only increase its clock speed by about a factor of two, estimates Halfhill.
7、Conclusion: in the current technology, virulence and potency is in linear.
8、There is no current technology that could build a craft to sustain life for that period of time.
9、Current technology can be accomplished reduce painful delivery complete perhaps painless labors, this depends on completely the puerpera 's requirement and reaction.
current technology(意思翻译)
current technology(相似词语短语)
1、current weather───当前天气;现在天气
2、current topics───当前的主题
3、cognizant technology───认知技术
4、current flowing───电流
5、current situation───现状,目前形势;现况;时势; 现状
7、rated current───[电]额定电流;规定电流
8、current───adj.现在的;流通的,通用的;最近的;草写的;n.(水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流;n. (Current)(英)柯伦特(人名)
9、group technology───[自]成组技术,[机]组合工艺学;组合工艺学,群组技术,成组工艺学
current technology(双语使用场景)
1、Skeptics also say that even if oil is found in many of these fields, some may not be recoverable using current technology.───怀疑人士也认为,即使在这些地方发现了石油,以现有的技术,有些石油也可能无法开采出来。
2、years and older said they thought current technology was more advanced than they thought it would be.───岁以上的人大约有三分之一说他们认为目前的技术超过了他们的预期。
3、There is certainly something to be said in favor of a society trying to take full advantage of current technology to benefit its citizens.───我们当然可以说社会已经做了一些事情来充分利用现有的技术为公民谋取利益。
4、The underlying cause may be a twist in a gene, or a tiny hormonal imbalance that cannot be detected with current technology.───根本原因可能是某个基因中的变化,或荷尔蒙的轻微失衡,而它们尚不能被当前技术手段检测到。
5、However, they do not sell as they are marginally better than the current technology at a much higher price.───然而,他们并没有卖的比现在价钱稍微贵一点的科技价格高。
6、I would also argue that the current technology environment is different.───我也承认当今的技术环境不同了。
7、Digital home control may be the way of the future, but much of the current technology is still out of reach for the average consumer.───数字家庭的控制可能是未来发展的方向,但目前的技术大部分是对于普通消费者来说仍然遥不可及。
8、The current technology stack is also assessed and documented.───还要评估和记录当前技术堆栈。
9、Current technology allows for secure site design.───目前的技术提供了安全的站点设计。
current technology(英语使用场景)
1、Current technology economics currently only regard economic evaluation with investment project, but ignoring society benefit appraises.
2、The exhaust emissions standards could only be met with current technology by installing three-way catalytic converters in petrol-driven vehicles.
3、One task he undertook was the preparation of a comprehensive account of current technology.
4、This article gives a survey on the current technology of the computer simulation of room acoustics, as known as the construction of virtual acoustical environment.
5、The development history and current technology status of Metal pushing V-belt type CVT about domestic and overseas are reviewed in this dissertation.
6、But the Godson 3C processor will leapfrog current technology by using a 28-nanometer process, although this will only increase its clock speed by about a factor of two, estimates Halfhill.
7、Conclusion: in the current technology, virulence and potency is in linear.
8、There is no current technology that could build a craft to sustain life for that period of time.
9、Current technology can be accomplished reduce painful delivery complete perhaps painless labors, this depends on completely the puerpera 's requirement and reaction.