1、Prior to the processing, the local error-variables are being reset, which is inexpensive, but still costs some CPU.───处理这条语句之前,要重新设置本地错误变量,其代价虽然不高,但仍要花费一些CPU时间。
2、While the internal reset signal is being applied to the CPU, the rate of a refresh signal being generated by a DRAM controller for refreshing data in DRAM is increased.───在将内部复位信号加到CPU的同时,提高由DRAMKongZhiQi所生成的用于刷新DRAM中数据的刷新信号的速率。
reset cpu(意思翻译)
reset cpu(相似词语短语)
1、a reset───重置
2、diffused cpu───扩散cpu
3、compiling cpu───编译cpu
4、reset drum───复位鼓
5、reset tooltips───重置工具提示
6、cpu feature───cpu功能
7、flops cpu───触发器cpu
8、shorted cpu───cpu短路
9、reset lockout───复位锁定
reset cpu(双语使用场景)
1、Prior to the processing, the local error-variables are being reset, which is inexpensive, but still costs some CPU.───处理这条语句之前,要重新设置本地错误变量,其代价虽然不高,但仍要花费一些CPU时间。
2、While the internal reset signal is being applied to the CPU, the rate of a refresh signal being generated by a DRAM controller for refreshing data in DRAM is increased.───在将内部复位信号加到CPU的同时,提高由DRAMKongZhiQi所生成的用于刷新DRAM中数据的刷新信号的速率。