1、carapace of the AC capacitor is round or ellipse with bolt at bottom, 2 or 3 terminals of metal hard insert, which are arranged in triangle or line and all can be tested.───端子形式为插片式,端子为三角形排列或一直线排列,外壳是圆形或椭圆,底部带螺栓的电容器均可测试。
2、High power factor at ac input can be achieved by controlling the switch of capacitor charge circuit.───通过对电容器充电回路开关管进行控制,实现交流输入端的高功率因数。
3、AC film capacitor in elrctric fan and washer etc.───洗衣机家电用交流电容器。
ac capacitor(意思翻译)
ac capacitor(相似词语短语)
1、orifice ac───孔板ac
2、dram capacitor───dram电容器
3、flux capacitor───磁通电容器
4、crull ac───克鲁尔ac。
5、electrolytic capacitor───[电]电解质电容器;电解电容
6、film capacitor───[电]薄膜电容器
7、ac select───交流选择
8、calculable capacitor───计算电容器
9、ac───abbr.阿森松岛 (Ascension Island)
ac capacitor(双语使用场景)
1、carapace of the AC capacitor is round or ellipse with bolt at bottom, 2 or 3 terminals of metal hard insert, which are arranged in triangle or line and all can be tested.───端子形式为插片式,端子为三角形排列或一直线排列,外壳是圆形或椭圆,底部带螺栓的电容器均可测试。
2、High power factor at ac input can be achieved by controlling the switch of capacitor charge circuit.───通过对电容器充电回路开关管进行控制,实现交流输入端的高功率因数。
3、AC film capacitor in elrctric fan and washer etc.───洗衣机家电用交流电容器。