1、This article includes five chapters: Introduction Part: Give a brief introduction on the origin and sense of this research.───本文包括以下几个部分:第一章导论,简单地介绍本文所研究问题的缘起和意义。
2、Chapter one, the Preface . we give a brief introduction of the research situation on discourse marker and turn-taking.───第一章绪论简要介绍了话语标记、话轮转换的研究现状及对相关概念进行界定。
3、This paper give a brief introduction of the Transformer Substation Comprehensive Automation system's structure, connecting model an so on.───本文讲述了目前综合自动化变电站的结构体系、通讯模式等情况。
4、Now, let me give a brief introduction of Yuyuan Garden . As far as I know , it was first established in 1559 as a.───现在让我来对豫园做一下简单的介绍。据我所知,它最早是在1559年被潘允端作为一个私。
5、This paper first give a brief introduction on the structure, the preparation and role characteristics of the liposomes.───本文首先简要介绍了脂质体的结构、制备及作用特点。
6、brief introduction about RijnPlant's partnership in China?───简单介绍瑞恩在中国的合作方式?
7、Can you give a brief introduction about yourself?───你能介绍一下自己的主要情况吗?
8、I am going to give a brief introduction of Tom Hanks.───我将会为大家简介一下汤姆·汉克斯。
9、Please give a brief introduction of your working experience after graduation.───谈谈您毕业后的工作情况。
give a brief introduction(英语使用场景)
1、In this article, authors give a brief introduction of coupled application of concrete expansion agent(UEA-H) and EPDM in soleplate of Huawei Research Center Project.
2、Nodulation gene expression and regulation of Rhizobium is a very complicated subject. In this paper, we would give a brief introduction the research advances on this area.
3、In this dissertation, we first outline the standardization process and technical overview of LTE/LTE-A, and give a brief introduction of theory, methods and tools of the link level simulation.
4、We give a brief introduction to the basic idea, the method and its application of QCD sum rule, emphasize the development of this method and some topics in recent years.
5、This article will give a brief introduction of the drug treatment about toxic shock.
6、In addition, we also give a brief introduction to Mersenne number, relations between perfect number and Mersenne number, multiperfect number, and, other related concepts and formulas.
7、This review give a brief introduction to resource of cochineal , and the preparation methods, properties, applications, specifications of commercial cochineal color.
give a brief introduction(意思翻译)
give a brief introduction(相似词语短语)
1、introduction paragraph───引言段落
2、self introduction───自我介绍
3、amicus brief───<美>(与案件结果有利害关系的)非当事人意见陈述
4、dissertation introduction───论文简介
5、introduction letter───介绍信
7、brief───adj.简短的,简洁的;短暂的,草率的;vt.简报,摘要;作…的提要;n. (Brief)(英)布里夫(人名);n.摘要,简报;概要,诉书
8、my introduction───我的介绍;自我介绍
9、brief description───简要说明;简介
give a brief introduction(双语使用场景)
1、This article includes five chapters: Introduction Part: Give a brief introduction on the origin and sense of this research.───本文包括以下几个部分:第一章导论,简单地介绍本文所研究问题的缘起和意义。
2、Chapter one, the Preface . we give a brief introduction of the research situation on discourse marker and turn-taking.───第一章绪论简要介绍了话语标记、话轮转换的研究现状及对相关概念进行界定。
3、This paper give a brief introduction of the Transformer Substation Comprehensive Automation system's structure, connecting model an so on.───本文讲述了目前综合自动化变电站的结构体系、通讯模式等情况。
4、Now, let me give a brief introduction of Yuyuan Garden . As far as I know , it was first established in 1559 as a.───现在让我来对豫园做一下简单的介绍。据我所知,它最早是在1559年被潘允端作为一个私。
5、This paper first give a brief introduction on the structure, the preparation and role characteristics of the liposomes.───本文首先简要介绍了脂质体的结构、制备及作用特点。
6、brief introduction about RijnPlant's partnership in China?───简单介绍瑞恩在中国的合作方式?
7、Can you give a brief introduction about yourself?───你能介绍一下自己的主要情况吗?
8、I am going to give a brief introduction of Tom Hanks.───我将会为大家简介一下汤姆·汉克斯。
9、Please give a brief introduction of your working experience after graduation.───谈谈您毕业后的工作情况。
give a brief introduction(英语使用场景)
1、In this article, authors give a brief introduction of coupled application of concrete expansion agent(UEA-H) and EPDM in soleplate of Huawei Research Center Project.
2、Nodulation gene expression and regulation of Rhizobium is a very complicated subject. In this paper, we would give a brief introduction the research advances on this area.
3、In this dissertation, we first outline the standardization process and technical overview of LTE/LTE-A, and give a brief introduction of theory, methods and tools of the link level simulation.
4、We give a brief introduction to the basic idea, the method and its application of QCD sum rule, emphasize the development of this method and some topics in recent years.
5、This article will give a brief introduction of the drug treatment about toxic shock.
6、In addition, we also give a brief introduction to Mersenne number, relations between perfect number and Mersenne number, multiperfect number, and, other related concepts and formulas.
7、This review give a brief introduction to resource of cochineal , and the preparation methods, properties, applications, specifications of commercial cochineal color.