1、They found that the ratio of private credit to GDP rises by a median of 38 percentage points in the decade prior to a crisis, and drops by an equal amount in the decade after.───他们发现,个人信用对GDP的比率在危机前十年处于中间值位置,38%左右,危机后十年再降回相同的数值。
2、The pay hikes follow a period of wage freezes during the financial crisis, points out Tao Wang of UBS.───UBS的王涛指出,经过经济危机时期的工资停滞不涨之后,现在工资上涨了。
3、The crisis, points out Arun Gupta of Shopper's Stop, a large retail chain, has left Indian companies with many engineers "on the bench" .───一家大零售连锁Shopper’sStop的ArunGupta指出,这场危机已使得很多在印度公司的工程师“坐在替补席”上。
4、And, on the simple test of the two crises, he wins on points: behind on a foreign crisis, but well ahead in a domestic one.───而且,在两次危机的简单测验中,他赢得一些赛点:在海外落后,而在国内领先。
5、As my column this week points out, we have heard a lot of denials all though this debt crisis; at each stage, the problems have been downplayed.───在 我本周的专栏中,我们听说了很多关于债务危机中犹豫不决的情况,在每一个交易活动中,都处于低开低走的态势。
crisis points(意思翻译)
crisis points(相似词语短语)
1、autonomy crisis───自治危机
2、impending crisis───即将来临的危机
3、libration crisis───平动危机
4、crisis synonym───危机同义词
6、deepens crisis───加深危机
7、crisis intervention───危机干预;危机处理;危机介入
9、donatist crisis───捐赠者危机
crisis points(双语使用场景)
1、They found that the ratio of private credit to GDP rises by a median of 38 percentage points in the decade prior to a crisis, and drops by an equal amount in the decade after.───他们发现,个人信用对GDP的比率在危机前十年处于中间值位置,38%左右,危机后十年再降回相同的数值。
2、The pay hikes follow a period of wage freezes during the financial crisis, points out Tao Wang of UBS.───UBS的王涛指出,经过经济危机时期的工资停滞不涨之后,现在工资上涨了。
3、The crisis, points out Arun Gupta of Shopper's Stop, a large retail chain, has left Indian companies with many engineers "on the bench" .───一家大零售连锁Shopper’sStop的ArunGupta指出,这场危机已使得很多在印度公司的工程师“坐在替补席”上。
4、And, on the simple test of the two crises, he wins on points: behind on a foreign crisis, but well ahead in a domestic one.───而且,在两次危机的简单测验中,他赢得一些赛点:在海外落后,而在国内领先。
5、As my column this week points out, we have heard a lot of denials all though this debt crisis; at each stage, the problems have been downplayed.───在 我本周的专栏中,我们听说了很多关于债务危机中犹豫不决的情况,在每一个交易活动中,都处于低开低走的态势。