1、American households have indeed pulled back dramatically if you count their reduced outlays on houses and home improvements, argues Jan Hatzius of Goldman Sachs.───高盛的简•哈祖斯表示,如果你把他们在住房和改善家庭生活方面减少的开支算在内,美国的家庭着实大幅减少了开支。
2、The troops rushed back onto the chopper and took off - but a head count showed one man was missing.───士兵们迅速回到直升机上,起飞了,但清点人数后发现一人失踪。
3、It dropped that count back in September 2005, after Yahoo for a short period had claimed to have indexed more.───但是在2005年九月份的时候这一计数被拿掉了,那时候雅虎声称他们检索到的页面数量更多。
4、Whatever you sow in life, you are going to reap it back. Count on it.───等着瞧吧,你在生活中亦会种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
back count(意思翻译)
back count(相似词语短语)
1、count towards───包括在内;计入
2、count star───计数星
3、back back───后退
4、count to───清点;算出
5、count against───对…不利,不利于;vt.不利于
6、lets count───让我们数一数
8、all count───全部计算
9、count buffon───布冯伯爵
back count(双语使用场景)
1、American households have indeed pulled back dramatically if you count their reduced outlays on houses and home improvements, argues Jan Hatzius of Goldman Sachs.───高盛的简•哈祖斯表示,如果你把他们在住房和改善家庭生活方面减少的开支算在内,美国的家庭着实大幅减少了开支。
2、The troops rushed back onto the chopper and took off - but a head count showed one man was missing.───士兵们迅速回到直升机上,起飞了,但清点人数后发现一人失踪。
3、It dropped that count back in September 2005, after Yahoo for a short period had claimed to have indexed more.───但是在2005年九月份的时候这一计数被拿掉了,那时候雅虎声称他们检索到的页面数量更多。
4、Whatever you sow in life, you are going to reap it back. Count on it.───等着瞧吧,你在生活中亦会种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。