1、We have a lot of the hotel fitness center. including fitness equipment. sauna. chess. sports. there is a great swimming pool.───我们酒店有一个很大的健身中心。包括健身器材。桑拿。棋牌。球类。还有一个很大泳池。
2、Great. We can go to the swimming pool in the gymnasium after that.───太好了。我们之后可以去体育馆里的游泳池。
3、There's even an exercise pool in her basement, where she and her husband (a former Olympic swimmer for Portugal) and their three kids have spent a great deal of time... swimming.───她家地下室里还有个供训练用的游泳池,她和她丈夫(原为葡萄牙奥运会的游泳选手)以及他们的三个孩子时常在里面游泳。
4、Swimming – if you hate getting sweaty, then exercising in a pool is great───游泳——如果你不想出汗,在泳池里锻炼就不错
great swimming pool(意思翻译)
great swimming pool(相似词语短语)
1、in the swimming pool───在游泳池里
2、in swimming───在游泳中
3、hailstorm on swimming pool───游泳池冰雹
4、ilike swimming───我喜欢游泳
5、great great───好极了好极了
6、indoor swimming pool───室内游泳池
9、swimming pool───n.游泳池
great swimming pool(双语使用场景)
1、We have a lot of the hotel fitness center. including fitness equipment. sauna. chess. sports. there is a great swimming pool.───我们酒店有一个很大的健身中心。包括健身器材。桑拿。棋牌。球类。还有一个很大泳池。
2、Great. We can go to the swimming pool in the gymnasium after that.───太好了。我们之后可以去体育馆里的游泳池。
3、There's even an exercise pool in her basement, where she and her husband (a former Olympic swimmer for Portugal) and their three kids have spent a great deal of time... swimming.───她家地下室里还有个供训练用的游泳池,她和她丈夫(原为葡萄牙奥运会的游泳选手)以及他们的三个孩子时常在里面游泳。
4、Swimming – if you hate getting sweaty, then exercising in a pool is great───游泳——如果你不想出汗,在泳池里锻炼就不错