1、They generally cross-dressed at home or in the house of another mak nyah friend.───他们一般在家里变装,或在另外的变装者朋友家里变装。
2、Julia a Shih Tzu-Japanese Spitz cross dressed in a native Filipino costume waits for her turn during the Fashionista Pooch a dog fashion show at a mall in Pasay City Metro Manila June 13 2010.───朱莉娅,一个西施日本斯皮茨交叉,在本地的菲律宾服装打扮等待轮到她在追求时尚的狗,狗在马尼拉市,2010年6月13日在帕赛市的商场时装秀。
3、You still can't pee in a public restroom while cross dressed, if a local law forbids it.───如果变装在外,你仍然不能到公共厕所去XiaoBian,如果当地的法律禁止变装者这样做的话。
4、But a physician who is paged while cross dressed might have to see a patient, whose health depends upon a professional appearance by the doctor.───但是,如果一位内科医生被传呼时正好变了装,还是可以去看望病人的,因为病人的健康有赖于专业医生到场。
5、If the person is cross dressed when paged, a reasonable compromise is needed.───如果被呼叫时,此人正变了装,就需要找到一个合理的妥协说法。
cross dressed(英语使用场景)
1、A friend of mine once said that it is difficult for society to accept cross dressing because when a person is cross dressed it is usually very obvious and society does not like visible differences.
cross dressed(意思翻译)
cross dressed(相似词语短语)
1、gets dressed───穿好衣服,穿上衣服
2、casually dressed───穿着随便
4、crisply dressed───衣冠楚楚
5、be dressed───穿着好(dressed是dress的过去分词)
6、dressed in───穿着
7、dressed authority───权贵
8、fashionably dressed───穿着时髦
9、dressed podcast───播客
cross dressed(双语使用场景)
1、They generally cross-dressed at home or in the house of another mak nyah friend.───他们一般在家里变装,或在另外的变装者朋友家里变装。
2、Julia a Shih Tzu-Japanese Spitz cross dressed in a native Filipino costume waits for her turn during the Fashionista Pooch a dog fashion show at a mall in Pasay City Metro Manila June 13 2010.───朱莉娅,一个西施日本斯皮茨交叉,在本地的菲律宾服装打扮等待轮到她在追求时尚的狗,狗在马尼拉市,2010年6月13日在帕赛市的商场时装秀。
3、You still can't pee in a public restroom while cross dressed, if a local law forbids it.───如果变装在外,你仍然不能到公共厕所去XiaoBian,如果当地的法律禁止变装者这样做的话。
4、But a physician who is paged while cross dressed might have to see a patient, whose health depends upon a professional appearance by the doctor.───但是,如果一位内科医生被传呼时正好变了装,还是可以去看望病人的,因为病人的健康有赖于专业医生到场。
5、If the person is cross dressed when paged, a reasonable compromise is needed.───如果被呼叫时,此人正变了装,就需要找到一个合理的妥协说法。
cross dressed(英语使用场景)
1、A friend of mine once said that it is difficult for society to accept cross dressing because when a person is cross dressed it is usually very obvious and society does not like visible differences.