1、I admired you at the time for living in your truth.───我很敬佩你能活得那么真实。
2、I've always admired you so, I wish I could be more like you.───我一向很仰慕你,我希望能更多的像你一点。
3、I never had a chance to tell you how much I admired you.───我一直没有机会告诉你我是多么的崇拜你。
4、MELANIE: Oh, Scarlett. You have so much life. I've always admired you so, I wish I could be more like you.───媚兰:噢,思嘉,你真有生气,我一直羡慕你这样。我要象你一些就好了。
5、They all admired you for your bravery.───他们都钦佩你的勇敢。
6、eg2: I never had a chance to tell you how much I admired you.───我一直没有机会告诉你,我有多么崇拜你。
7、MELANIE: I've always admired you so, I wish I could be more like you.───梅兰妮:我一直崇拜你,希望自己多像你一点!
8、I have. Which is why I have always purchased apple products and admired you.───是的,我做了,所以这就是为什么我总是购买苹果公司的产品,总是羡慕你。
9、The more I formerly admired you for your penetration and acuteness of mind, the more do I now weep for you and deplore you.───我从前愈是钦佩你的洞察力和敏锐的思考能力,如今就愈是为你感到伤心和惋惜。
admired you(英语使用场景)
1、I have admired you for your hardwork in acquiring an advanced degree in your career.
admired you(意思翻译)
admired you(相似词语短语)
1、admired person───受人敬仰的人
2、admired ceo───受人尊敬的首席执行官
4、admired leadership───令人钦佩的领导
5、admired synonym───佩服的同义词
6、admired meaning───意味深长
7、admired it───我很欣赏
8、admired meaning in spanish───西班牙语中令人钦佩的含义
9、admired man───受人尊敬的人
admired you(双语使用场景)
1、I admired you at the time for living in your truth.───我很敬佩你能活得那么真实。
2、I've always admired you so, I wish I could be more like you.───我一向很仰慕你,我希望能更多的像你一点。
3、I never had a chance to tell you how much I admired you.───我一直没有机会告诉你我是多么的崇拜你。
4、MELANIE: Oh, Scarlett. You have so much life. I've always admired you so, I wish I could be more like you.───媚兰:噢,思嘉,你真有生气,我一直羡慕你这样。我要象你一些就好了。
5、They all admired you for your bravery.───他们都钦佩你的勇敢。
6、eg2: I never had a chance to tell you how much I admired you.───我一直没有机会告诉你,我有多么崇拜你。
7、MELANIE: I've always admired you so, I wish I could be more like you.───梅兰妮:我一直崇拜你,希望自己多像你一点!
8、I have. Which is why I have always purchased apple products and admired you.───是的,我做了,所以这就是为什么我总是购买苹果公司的产品,总是羡慕你。
9、The more I formerly admired you for your penetration and acuteness of mind, the more do I now weep for you and deplore you.───我从前愈是钦佩你的洞察力和敏锐的思考能力,如今就愈是为你感到伤心和惋惜。
admired you(英语使用场景)
1、I have admired you for your hardwork in acquiring an advanced degree in your career.