1、Meanwhile, on the other side of the Internet, one of my aunties sent the piece around to other women in my family last night.───此外,在互联网的另一头,昨晚我的一个姑妈将这篇文章发给我家族中的其他女性成员看。
2、I've always been fond of poetry and one piece has always stuck in my mind.───我一直喜欢诗歌,有一首诗一直被我铭记于心。
3、has been one of my favorite of the big Shonen Trilogy since I first discovered it.───自从我发现《海贼王》以来,他就成为我最爱的少年三部曲之一。
my one piece(意思翻译)
my one piece(相似词语短语)
1、read one piece───读一篇文章
2、my one───我的那个
3、one piece───adj.整体的,单片的;[医]单片的;n.上下身相连的衣服
4、chopper one piece───切碎机一体机
6、gladius one piece───格拉迪斯一件
7、cross piece one───十字件一
8、in one piece───完整无损的,未受伤的;未受伤的;完整无损地
9、apis one piece───API一件套
my one piece(双语使用场景)
1、Meanwhile, on the other side of the Internet, one of my aunties sent the piece around to other women in my family last night.───此外,在互联网的另一头,昨晚我的一个姑妈将这篇文章发给我家族中的其他女性成员看。
2、I've always been fond of poetry and one piece has always stuck in my mind.───我一直喜欢诗歌,有一首诗一直被我铭记于心。
3、has been one of my favorite of the big Shonen Trilogy since I first discovered it.───自从我发现《海贼王》以来,他就成为我最爱的少年三部曲之一。