1、can use the $ notation for the last line to specify to the end of the file and double greater-than symbols (>>) after the w to indicate that you want to append to rather than overwrite the file.───对于最后一行,可以使用 $ 表示文件的末尾。 可以在 w 后面使用两个大于号(>>)表示希望把内容附加到文件中而不是覆盖文件。
2、Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale.───乐谱为C大音阶而构思,在这个音阶中的每一个线和间都代表一个音符。
3、The language was added in recent years to draw a clear line. It’s easy for students to point to this notation and say “Hey, Mom, I think you’re supposed to be gone now”.───这些语言可以说是划出一条明确界限,学生可以指着这些文字对家长说:“瞧,妈妈,您该走了吧。”
line notation(意思翻译)
line notation(相似词语短语)
1、inequality notation───不等式表示法
2、notation for───符号
3、expanded notation───数位计值法
4、exponential notation───[数]指数记号;[数]指数计数法;指数计数制(法)
5、contained notation───包含符号
6、interval notation───间隔符号
8、diastematic notation───离散记数法
9、notation pad───记事本
line notation(双语使用场景)
1、can use the $ notation for the last line to specify to the end of the file and double greater-than symbols (>>) after the w to indicate that you want to append to rather than overwrite the file.───对于最后一行,可以使用 $ 表示文件的末尾。 可以在 w 后面使用两个大于号(>>)表示希望把内容附加到文件中而不是覆盖文件。
2、Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale.───乐谱为C大音阶而构思,在这个音阶中的每一个线和间都代表一个音符。
3、The language was added in recent years to draw a clear line. It’s easy for students to point to this notation and say “Hey, Mom, I think you’re supposed to be gone now”.───这些语言可以说是划出一条明确界限,学生可以指着这些文字对家长说:“瞧,妈妈,您该走了吧。”