1、Additional channels will be assembled from content already on the site.───其他频道的内容将源自网站已有内容。
2、The AvantGo Channel can be customized to carry additional Channels that you may partner with or that may gain user acceptance.───这些渠道可以是你的合作者,或者他们可以获得你的用户的接受。
3、Additional channels would be assembled from content already on the site.───其它频道将主要播放网站上已有的内容。
4、Social media platforms are simply additional channels, which non-profits can use to market their messages and their needs.───社会媒体平台是一个简单的附加渠道,在这里,非营利组织能够用来告知他人信息和需求。
5、Multiplex - A way to maximize the use of programming product in a Programmer's library to launch additional channels.───复合频道--一种充分利手头拥有的影片开辟多个新频道的方式。
6、The communication can summarily introduce fewer or additional channels, or a channel that is not parallel, to emphasize his desired message.───在传播中可以引入或多或少的通道,或者不平行的通道来强调传者所要传递的信息。
7、Taiwan Railway revised its contract regulations and is expected to add additional channels for ticket pick up.───后来台铁修改相关合约规范,预计明年也终将增加取票管道。
additional channels(英语使用场景)
1、The communication can summarily introduce fewer or additional channels, or a channel that is not parallel, to emphasize his desired message.
2、Additional channels have appeared in the Channel Box.
3、Additional channels reduce the closed-loop bandwidth, even though the input signals continue to see a gain of –2V/V.
additional channels(意思翻译)
additional channels(相似词语短语)
1、irrigation channels───[农工]灌溉渠,灌渠;进水渠道
2、additional fees───附加费用
3、additional name───附加名称
5、shu channels───蜀道
6、additional training───额外培训
7、additional scr───附加scr
9、communication channels───沟通渠道;[电] 通讯波道
additional channels(双语使用场景)
1、Additional channels will be assembled from content already on the site.───其他频道的内容将源自网站已有内容。
2、The AvantGo Channel can be customized to carry additional Channels that you may partner with or that may gain user acceptance.───这些渠道可以是你的合作者,或者他们可以获得你的用户的接受。
3、Additional channels would be assembled from content already on the site.───其它频道将主要播放网站上已有的内容。
4、Social media platforms are simply additional channels, which non-profits can use to market their messages and their needs.───社会媒体平台是一个简单的附加渠道,在这里,非营利组织能够用来告知他人信息和需求。
5、Multiplex - A way to maximize the use of programming product in a Programmer's library to launch additional channels.───复合频道--一种充分利手头拥有的影片开辟多个新频道的方式。
6、The communication can summarily introduce fewer or additional channels, or a channel that is not parallel, to emphasize his desired message.───在传播中可以引入或多或少的通道,或者不平行的通道来强调传者所要传递的信息。
7、Taiwan Railway revised its contract regulations and is expected to add additional channels for ticket pick up.───后来台铁修改相关合约规范,预计明年也终将增加取票管道。
additional channels(英语使用场景)
1、The communication can summarily introduce fewer or additional channels, or a channel that is not parallel, to emphasize his desired message.
2、Additional channels have appeared in the Channel Box.
3、Additional channels reduce the closed-loop bandwidth, even though the input signals continue to see a gain of –2V/V.