1、Do not drop the hand as soon as yours has touched it as this will seem to show you do not like the other person.───也不要一触到对方的手就马下放下,那样的话似乎让人感到你对对方没有好感。
2、If an application is under-loaded - that is, if it doesn't have enough work to do - the rate of GC is not a great performance indicator because the rate will drop if no work is coming in.───如果应用程序负载不足—即它没有足够的工作可做—,则GC的速率不可作为良好的性能指示器,因为如果没有工作可做,速率将会下降。
do not drop it(意思翻译)
do not drop it(相似词语短语)
1、do not shoot───不要开枪
3、do not remove───请勿移除
4、do not do it───不要这样做
5、drop it───<口>放弃,作罢; 算了;停止,放弃
6、do it───做一做,去做吧
7、Do not do───不要这样做
8、do it do it to───做吧做吧
9、do or do not───做还是不做
do not drop it(双语使用场景)
1、Do not drop the hand as soon as yours has touched it as this will seem to show you do not like the other person.───也不要一触到对方的手就马下放下,那样的话似乎让人感到你对对方没有好感。
2、If an application is under-loaded - that is, if it doesn't have enough work to do - the rate of GC is not a great performance indicator because the rate will drop if no work is coming in.───如果应用程序负载不足—即它没有足够的工作可做—,则GC的速率不可作为良好的性能指示器,因为如果没有工作可做,速率将会下降。
3、Be careful you do not drop it!───当心别把它摔到地上!