1、Underlying all disunity is a split in sacred geometry that spins one pattern in the space within and one in the space without.───隐藏在所有非统一之下的是神圣几何学的FenLie,即在两极空间中旋转一种图案,却在一致空间中旋转另一种图案。
2、The key to divine harmonic proportion (sacred geometry) is the relationship between progression of growth and proportion.───神的调和比例(神的几何学)关键是生长级数和比例间的联系。
3、majesty - the spiral movement of consciousness - Sacred Geometry.───最高权威——意识的螺旋形运动——神圣几何学。
4、These priests held the sacred knowledge of creation, that which humanity has sought for generations and which are presently called sacred geometry.───这些祭司拥有神圣的创造知识,那是人类寻找诞生的知识,现代就称为神的几何学。
5、The program is linked through a web - or grid matrixes and is based on the looping patterns of consciousness called Sacred Geometry.───程序跟能量蜘蛛网连通-或跟网格能量矩阵连通和程序是基于意识的多螺旋模式称之为神圣几何学。
6、That seed - Eve - Ovum is defined in the sacred geometry of creation and is part of each of us.───那种子——夏娃——LuanZi都在创作物的神圣几何学里详细说明,是我们每一个人的一部分。
7、key to divine harmonic proportion( sacred geometry) is the relationship between progression of growth and proportion.───神的调和比例(的几何学)键是生长级数和比例间的联系。
8、Crystals were aligned to follow the patters of sacred geometry - spiraling pyramidal energies.───依照神圣的几何学的急速的祈祷声排列的水晶--成螺旋状下降的金字塔形的能源。
9、We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind.───我们曾经说过,语言——更高次元的构造,是神圣的几何学,而无罪是灵魂头脑的几何学的明晰。
sacred geometry(英语使用场景)
1、All the principles of sacred geometry were applied in their construction.
2、We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind.
3、The information in the Kabbalah follows the patterns of the sacred geometry that forms our reality.
4、Pre-Christian sacred geometry was incorporated into church architecture.
5、Could that name also be linked to the Phi Ratio of Sacred Geometry?
sacred geometry(意思翻译)
sacred geometry(相似词语短语)
1、bisect geometry───等分几何
2、sacred space───神圣的空间
3、sacred mountain───圣山
5、sacred cow───圣牛(印度教等的);不可修改的文稿;不可批评的人(思想或事物);n.(印度教等的)圣牛,<口>不可批语评的人(或思想,组织事物等),不可更改的文稿
6、sacred world───神圣的世界
8、dilatation geometry───膨胀几何
9、sacred ecology───神圣生态学
sacred geometry(双语使用场景)
1、Underlying all disunity is a split in sacred geometry that spins one pattern in the space within and one in the space without.───隐藏在所有非统一之下的是神圣几何学的FenLie,即在两极空间中旋转一种图案,却在一致空间中旋转另一种图案。
2、The key to divine harmonic proportion (sacred geometry) is the relationship between progression of growth and proportion.───神的调和比例(神的几何学)关键是生长级数和比例间的联系。
3、majesty - the spiral movement of consciousness - Sacred Geometry.───最高权威——意识的螺旋形运动——神圣几何学。
4、These priests held the sacred knowledge of creation, that which humanity has sought for generations and which are presently called sacred geometry.───这些祭司拥有神圣的创造知识,那是人类寻找诞生的知识,现代就称为神的几何学。
5、The program is linked through a web - or grid matrixes and is based on the looping patterns of consciousness called Sacred Geometry.───程序跟能量蜘蛛网连通-或跟网格能量矩阵连通和程序是基于意识的多螺旋模式称之为神圣几何学。
6、That seed - Eve - Ovum is defined in the sacred geometry of creation and is part of each of us.───那种子——夏娃——LuanZi都在创作物的神圣几何学里详细说明,是我们每一个人的一部分。
7、key to divine harmonic proportion( sacred geometry) is the relationship between progression of growth and proportion.───神的调和比例(的几何学)键是生长级数和比例间的联系。
8、Crystals were aligned to follow the patters of sacred geometry - spiraling pyramidal energies.───依照神圣的几何学的急速的祈祷声排列的水晶--成螺旋状下降的金字塔形的能源。
9、We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind.───我们曾经说过,语言——更高次元的构造,是神圣的几何学,而无罪是灵魂头脑的几何学的明晰。
sacred geometry(英语使用场景)
1、All the principles of sacred geometry were applied in their construction.
2、We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind.
3、The information in the Kabbalah follows the patterns of the sacred geometry that forms our reality.
4、Pre-Christian sacred geometry was incorporated into church architecture.
5、Could that name also be linked to the Phi Ratio of Sacred Geometry?