1、A student falls in love with a fellow student who defends him in university court.───一个大学男生爱上一个在大学法院保卫他的女学生。
2、He in trusted his luggage to a fellow-student and went to Leghorn on foot.───他把行李交给了一位同学,然后徒步走向里窝那。
3、I just want to have an intellectual discussion with a fellow student.───我只不过是想跟一位同学做知识性的讨论而已。
4、It was at Havana University that she met Toan, a fellow student from Vietnam.───在哈瓦那大学,她遇到了Toan,这是一位来自于越南的年轻学生。
5、But sometimes at a meeting or gathering it is all right to introduce yourself to a fellow student, or to one of the same sex and position.───但是有时在会议或者聚会上时,你可以直接自我介绍给同事的同学或者相同性别和地位的人。
6、In Fran brown's first-grade class last month, a brown-haired boy spat on a fellow student.───上个月在弗兰·布朗所教的一年级的班上,一个棕色头发的男孩向一个同学吐痰。
7、A fellow student could recall being taught nothing more profound than what to do in a thunderstorm at night.───一个同学回忆说,学的最深奥的莫过于雷暴雨的晚上该做什么。
8、BLACKSBURG, Va. - A hearing has been rescheduled for a Virginia Tech doctoral student accused of killing a fellow student in a campus cafe.───弗吉尼亚布莱克斯堡-弗吉尼亚理工博士生朱海洋在校园咖啡厅MouSha同学一案的听证会再次被改期。
9、Unfortunately, so did a fellow student of mine and it became a bit of a rivalry in the build up to the next year's event.───不幸的是,我的一个同学也是和我一样这么想的,所以他成了我在向下一年的比赛进发路上的竞争对手。
a fellow student(英语使用场景)
1、In Fran Brown's first-grade class last month, a brown-haired boy spat on a fellow student.
2、These advanced techniques involve partnering up with a fellow student and following a step-by-step routine of attack, defence and counter-attack.
3、He was accused of attacking a fellow student.
4、Be prepared to accept a suggestion from a fellow student.
5、Kaiserslautern, according to a fellow student, and this year an Italian did so in the Rhineland Palatinate.
6、Once after a long night of studies, a fellow student told Richardson she looked a little tired.
7、A fellow student told him about our marketing and distribution plan.
8、Four years ago a brave Pole qualified as a master in Kaiserslautern, according to a fellow student, and this year an Italian did so in the Rhineland Palatinate.
9、Mimic only the language helper, not the supervisor or a fellow student.
a fellow student(意思翻译)
a fellow student(相似词语短语)
2、a student ofaccepe───接受的学生
4、as a student───作为一个学生
5、a student of───学生
6、a student───学业成绩得A者;优等生;一位学生
7、A fellow───一个家伙
8、fellow traveller───n.旅伴,GongChan党的同情者;旅伴;同情者
9、iam a student───我已经是个学生了。
a fellow student(双语使用场景)
1、A student falls in love with a fellow student who defends him in university court.───一个大学男生爱上一个在大学法院保卫他的女学生。
2、He in trusted his luggage to a fellow-student and went to Leghorn on foot.───他把行李交给了一位同学,然后徒步走向里窝那。
3、I just want to have an intellectual discussion with a fellow student.───我只不过是想跟一位同学做知识性的讨论而已。
4、It was at Havana University that she met Toan, a fellow student from Vietnam.───在哈瓦那大学,她遇到了Toan,这是一位来自于越南的年轻学生。
5、But sometimes at a meeting or gathering it is all right to introduce yourself to a fellow student, or to one of the same sex and position.───但是有时在会议或者聚会上时,你可以直接自我介绍给同事的同学或者相同性别和地位的人。
6、In Fran brown's first-grade class last month, a brown-haired boy spat on a fellow student.───上个月在弗兰·布朗所教的一年级的班上,一个棕色头发的男孩向一个同学吐痰。
7、A fellow student could recall being taught nothing more profound than what to do in a thunderstorm at night.───一个同学回忆说,学的最深奥的莫过于雷暴雨的晚上该做什么。
8、BLACKSBURG, Va. - A hearing has been rescheduled for a Virginia Tech doctoral student accused of killing a fellow student in a campus cafe.───弗吉尼亚布莱克斯堡-弗吉尼亚理工博士生朱海洋在校园咖啡厅MouSha同学一案的听证会再次被改期。
9、Unfortunately, so did a fellow student of mine and it became a bit of a rivalry in the build up to the next year's event.───不幸的是,我的一个同学也是和我一样这么想的,所以他成了我在向下一年的比赛进发路上的竞争对手。
a fellow student(英语使用场景)
1、In Fran Brown's first-grade class last month, a brown-haired boy spat on a fellow student.
2、These advanced techniques involve partnering up with a fellow student and following a step-by-step routine of attack, defence and counter-attack.
3、He was accused of attacking a fellow student.
4、Be prepared to accept a suggestion from a fellow student.
5、Kaiserslautern, according to a fellow student, and this year an Italian did so in the Rhineland Palatinate.
6、Once after a long night of studies, a fellow student told Richardson she looked a little tired.
7、A fellow student told him about our marketing and distribution plan.
8、Four years ago a brave Pole qualified as a master in Kaiserslautern, according to a fellow student, and this year an Italian did so in the Rhineland Palatinate.
9、Mimic only the language helper, not the supervisor or a fellow student.