1、To someone who has seen a dozen people frown, scowl or turn their faces away, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds.───对于那些常常面对愁苦和那些别人不肖一顾的人来说,你的微笑就像穿透乌云的阳光。
2、To let go is not to nag, scowl, or argue, but to seach out my own shortcomings and to correct them.───就不要喋喋不休,怒容满面或滔滔雄辩。而是要审视自己的不足而改之。
3、She will have a permanent scowl on her face unless one of her Shanghai Princess sisters calls her on one of her phones .───除非她的上海公主姊妹之一用她的听筒之一打电话给她,否则她将会有在她的脸上一个长备的愁容。
4、Chris met the remark with a scowl.───克里斯听到这句话面带怒容。
5、He carefully observed the shrug of one man's shoulders, the position of another's hands, the scowl on one face and the frown on another.───他仔细观察一个男人的耸肩、另一个人手的位置、一个人脸上的怒容和另一个人的皱眉。
6、That made him scowl. "Give that tongue of yours a rest unless you'd rather I tied it in a knot. "───这让他露出了怒容。“让你的舌头消停会儿要么我就把它打个蝴蝶结。”
7、The psychologist alone can ask such questions: Why do we smile when pleased and not scowl?───只有心理学家才会问这样的问题:为什么我们高兴时微笑,而不是怒容满面?
8、The scowl on his face is not from disgust or anger; rather, it results from how these big cats scrunch up their nose to keep water out.───怒视在他的面容不是厌恶或忿怒,恰恰相反,它的结果来自于如何这些大猫揉皱它们的鼻子去保持水在外面。
9、when he died , broken and under the scowl of vichy , towards the beginning of 1941 , his last words were of hope in me.───将近1941年初,他在维希政府的斥责下,郁郁寡欢地逝世,临终遗言,对我寄以厚望。
1、To someone who has seen a dozen people frown, scowl or turn their faces away, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds.───对于那些常常面对愁苦和那些别人不肖一顾的人来说,你的微笑就像穿透乌云的阳光。
2、To let go is not to nag, scowl, or argue, but to seach out my own shortcomings and to correct them.───就不要喋喋不休,怒容满面或滔滔雄辩。而是要审视自己的不足而改之。
3、She will have a permanent scowl on her face unless one of her Shanghai Princess sisters calls her on one of her phones .───除非她的上海公主姊妹之一用她的听筒之一打电话给她,否则她将会有在她的脸上一个长备的愁容。
4、Chris met the remark with a scowl.───克里斯听到这句话面带怒容。
5、He carefully observed the shrug of one man's shoulders, the position of another's hands, the scowl on one face and the frown on another.───他仔细观察一个男人的耸肩、另一个人手的位置、一个人脸上的怒容和另一个人的皱眉。
6、That made him scowl. "Give that tongue of yours a rest unless you'd rather I tied it in a knot. "───这让他露出了怒容。“让你的舌头消停会儿要么我就把它打个蝴蝶结。”
7、The psychologist alone can ask such questions: Why do we smile when pleased and not scowl?───只有心理学家才会问这样的问题:为什么我们高兴时微笑,而不是怒容满面?
8、The scowl on his face is not from disgust or anger; rather, it results from how these big cats scrunch up their nose to keep water out.───怒视在他的面容不是厌恶或忿怒,恰恰相反,它的结果来自于如何这些大猫揉皱它们的鼻子去保持水在外面。
9、when he died , broken and under the scowl of vichy , towards the beginning of 1941 , his last words were of hope in me.───将近1941年初,他在维希政府的斥责下,郁郁寡欢地逝世,临终遗言,对我寄以厚望。
1、His face was set in a permanent scowl.