1、"Somebody's catching a packet" Bud said and Rex caught a glimpse of two girls fighting each other like wild CATS.───“有人受重伤啦。”巴德说。随后,雷克斯瞥见两个少女像野猫似的正在搏斗着。
2、Indoor pets, like birds or cats, don't require registration but cities want to keep track of dogs because they are more likely to go outside, where they can form wild packs and spread disease.───室内宠物,比如小鸟猫咪,不需要办证,但是市民希望给狗登记造册,因为他们更可能出现在户外,突然发狂或者传播疾病。
3、Like their wild relatives, domestic cats are natural hunters able to stalk prey and pounce with sharp claws and teeth.───同未被驯服的野猫一样,家猫是天生的猎手,它们能够跟踪并用其尖利的爪牙袭击猎物。
4、Whereas wild animals like wolves will avert their eyes when spotted, dogs and cats readily return our gaze, and with an apparent emotiveness that stimulates the wistful narrative in our head.───然而像狼这样的野生动物通常会躲避人类的直视,而猫狗则乐于回应我们的注目,而且还带有明显的情感表露,刺激了人脑中的叙事渴望。
like wild cats(意思翻译)
like wild cats(相似词语短语)
1、stay wild───保持野生状态;保留狂热 (Stay Wild);在野外生存
3、I like cats───我喜欢猫
5、wild beauties───野性美女
6、wild wild web───狂热的网络 (Wild Wild Web)
7、he like cats───他喜欢猫
8、wild cats───n.野猫(wildcat的复数形式);野猫队
9、wild wild wed───狂野的,狂野的
like wild cats(双语使用场景)
1、"Somebody's catching a packet" Bud said and Rex caught a glimpse of two girls fighting each other like wild CATS.───“有人受重伤啦。”巴德说。随后,雷克斯瞥见两个少女像野猫似的正在搏斗着。
2、Indoor pets, like birds or cats, don't require registration but cities want to keep track of dogs because they are more likely to go outside, where they can form wild packs and spread disease.───室内宠物,比如小鸟猫咪,不需要办证,但是市民希望给狗登记造册,因为他们更可能出现在户外,突然发狂或者传播疾病。
3、Like their wild relatives, domestic cats are natural hunters able to stalk prey and pounce with sharp claws and teeth.───同未被驯服的野猫一样,家猫是天生的猎手,它们能够跟踪并用其尖利的爪牙袭击猎物。
4、Whereas wild animals like wolves will avert their eyes when spotted, dogs and cats readily return our gaze, and with an apparent emotiveness that stimulates the wistful narrative in our head.───然而像狼这样的野生动物通常会躲避人类的直视,而猫狗则乐于回应我们的注目,而且还带有明显的情感表露,刺激了人脑中的叙事渴望。