1、Raw-food expert and nutritionist Jessica Fenton says the answer lies in the unadulterated beans of the cacao pod.───食物原材料专家JessicaFenton表示,黑巧克力健康但又不发胖的枢纽在于纯正的可可豆荚。
2、As he chops open a cacao pod and pries out the seeds, Gomez says: "I'm very happy. "───当他剁开出可可豆荚和种子普里斯,戈麦斯说:“我很开心,这是巴勃罗埃斯科瓦尔的继承问题留给我们。”
cacao pod(意思翻译)
cacao pod(相似词语短语)
1、pod pac───吊舱pac
2、dissonance pod───不和谐吊舱
3、alkalized cacao───碱化可可
4、cacao bliss───可可极乐
5、pod person───吊舱人员
6、cacao powder───n.可可粉
7、pod monster───豆荚怪兽
8、float pod───浮子吊舱
9、cacao beans───可可豆
cacao pod(双语使用场景)
1、Raw-food expert and nutritionist Jessica Fenton says the answer lies in the unadulterated beans of the cacao pod.───食物原材料专家JessicaFenton表示,黑巧克力健康但又不发胖的枢纽在于纯正的可可豆荚。
2、As he chops open a cacao pod and pries out the seeds, Gomez says: "I'm very happy. "───当他剁开出可可豆荚和种子普里斯,戈麦斯说:“我很开心,这是巴勃罗埃斯科瓦尔的继承问题留给我们。”