1、That will give you an idea of what a great event is about to be played out, and it cannot be affected by anything that happens on Earth.───那将给予你们一个想法,那就是这发生的事件是多么的伟大(译者注:这么多宇宙朋友在关注我们,确实太振奋人心了),任何发生在地球的事情都不能影响它。
2、Having an idea of what else you can do and a plan to do it, is a great safety net to have when you lose a job or your company fails.───在你丢掉了一份工作或你的公司破产时考虑下你还能做什么,并制定一个实施的计划,这样你就为自己打造了一个安全网。
3、A great creative idea! Can you explain what the meaning of the theme is?───一个非常具有创意的设想!你能给我们解释一下这一主题意义吗?
what is a great idea(意思翻译)
what is a great idea(相似词语短语)
1、what is a for───为什么
2、it is a great───这是一个伟大的
3、what a great soundsgood───多么美妙的声音啊
4、what s great───什么很棒
5、what a great───太棒了
6、a great idea───好主意
7、what great───太棒了
8、a great───一个伟大的
9、what great food───多好吃的食物啊
what is a great idea(双语使用场景)
1、That will give you an idea of what a great event is about to be played out, and it cannot be affected by anything that happens on Earth.───那将给予你们一个想法,那就是这发生的事件是多么的伟大(译者注:这么多宇宙朋友在关注我们,确实太振奋人心了),任何发生在地球的事情都不能影响它。
2、Having an idea of what else you can do and a plan to do it, is a great safety net to have when you lose a job or your company fails.───在你丢掉了一份工作或你的公司破产时考虑下你还能做什么,并制定一个实施的计划,这样你就为自己打造了一个安全网。
3、A great creative idea! Can you explain what the meaning of the theme is?───一个非常具有创意的设想!你能给我们解释一下这一主题意义吗?