1、UDDI4J now supports commonly used Java properties to define HTTP and socks proxy to allow communication through a firewall.───UDDI4J现在支持常用的Java属性,以定义HTTP和socks代理,从而实现穿越防火墙的通信。
2、already allow communication between the environments, or do you have to martial the data between them?───已经允许两种环境之间的通信,还是必须要对二者间的数据进行处理?
3、Do they already allow communication between the environments, or do you have to martial the data between them?───这两个厂商是已经允许两种环境之间的通信,还是必须要对二者间的数据进行处理?
4、I will relax now, to allow communication between my body and my Source.───现在我会放松,让身体与我的“本源”互相沟通。
5、Issue the following preprpnode commands as a root user to allow communication between the existing nodes and the new node.───作为根用户发出以下的preprpnode命令,让现有节点和新节点能够相互通信。
6、Proxies are often used to communicate through a firewall to allow communication from a company's intranet to the Internet.───代理通常用于穿过防火墙进行通信,使得我们能够从公司内部网与因特网进行通信。
7、Issue the preprpnode command on all nodes to allow communication between the cluster nodes.───在所有节点上发出preprpnode命令,从而使集群节点能够相互通信。
allow communication(英语使用场景)
1、A specification which determines how something is constructed, defining functional modularity as well as the protocols and interfaces which allow communication and cooperation among modules.
allow communication(意思翻译)
allow communication(相似词语短语)
2、allow cookies───允许Cookie
3、allow me───让我来,让我试试
4、communication interface───[通信][计]通信接口
5、allow to───使之……
7、allow synonym───允许同义词
8、allow doing───允许做
9、allow flash───允许闪光
allow communication(双语使用场景)
1、UDDI4J now supports commonly used Java properties to define HTTP and socks proxy to allow communication through a firewall.───UDDI4J现在支持常用的Java属性,以定义HTTP和socks代理,从而实现穿越防火墙的通信。
2、already allow communication between the environments, or do you have to martial the data between them?───已经允许两种环境之间的通信,还是必须要对二者间的数据进行处理?
3、Do they already allow communication between the environments, or do you have to martial the data between them?───这两个厂商是已经允许两种环境之间的通信,还是必须要对二者间的数据进行处理?
4、I will relax now, to allow communication between my body and my Source.───现在我会放松,让身体与我的“本源”互相沟通。
5、Issue the following preprpnode commands as a root user to allow communication between the existing nodes and the new node.───作为根用户发出以下的preprpnode命令,让现有节点和新节点能够相互通信。
6、Proxies are often used to communicate through a firewall to allow communication from a company's intranet to the Internet.───代理通常用于穿过防火墙进行通信,使得我们能够从公司内部网与因特网进行通信。
7、Issue the preprpnode command on all nodes to allow communication between the cluster nodes.───在所有节点上发出preprpnode命令,从而使集群节点能够相互通信。
allow communication(英语使用场景)
1、A specification which determines how something is constructed, defining functional modularity as well as the protocols and interfaces which allow communication and cooperation among modules.