1、ELEVATOR, a hinged moveable part on the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer for airplane pitch (nose up and nose down) control.───升降舵,铰连在水平安定面后缘上的可动部件。用以Cao纵飞机的俯仰运动(机头朝上及朝下)。
2、To reduce the horizontal vibrations of high-speed elevator, a 4DOF dynamic model of elevator was developed, and the differential equations and the state space model were also given.───为了降低高速电梯的水平振动,建立了4自由度的电梯轿厢水平振动主动控制的动力学模型,给出了微分方程,建立了状态空间模型;
3、horizontal stabilizer and elevator in the tail assembly of an aircraft.───飞机尾部的水平稳定器和升降舵。
horizontal elevator(意思翻译)
horizontal elevator(相似词语短语)
1、elevator music───背景音乐〔在商店等公共场所播放的音乐,通常被认为很乏味〕;电梯音乐(电梯里单调的轻音乐)
2、horizontal translation───水平转换
4、elevator lift───电梯
5、elevator pitches───电梯游说
6、dumbwaiter elevator───哑铃电梯
8、birdcage elevator───鸟笼升降机
9、horizontal direction───水平偏转,行偏转;水平方向;水平偏转
horizontal elevator(双语使用场景)
1、ELEVATOR, a hinged moveable part on the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer for airplane pitch (nose up and nose down) control.───升降舵,铰连在水平安定面后缘上的可动部件。用以Cao纵飞机的俯仰运动(机头朝上及朝下)。
2、To reduce the horizontal vibrations of high-speed elevator, a 4DOF dynamic model of elevator was developed, and the differential equations and the state space model were also given.───为了降低高速电梯的水平振动,建立了4自由度的电梯轿厢水平振动主动控制的动力学模型,给出了微分方程,建立了状态空间模型;
3、horizontal stabilizer and elevator in the tail assembly of an aircraft.───飞机尾部的水平稳定器和升降舵。