1、Simulation and Prediction on Karstic Water Level Regime in Groundwater Field───裂隙岩溶水水源地水位动态模拟和预报中耦合法的运用
2、Due to the larger volume of storage and regulation in karstic water fi eld, the time-autocorrelation of groundwater level is outstanding.───在裂隙岩溶水水源地,由于地下水XiTong的存储与调蓄作用,地下水水位时间上的自相关性显著。
karstic waterlevel(意思翻译)
karstic waterlevel(相似词语短语)
1、cantonal level───州一级
2、confidence level───置信级;可信度;信赖水准;[统计]置信水平(等于confidencecoefficient)
3、select level───选择级别
4、Water level───n.水准,水位,水平; 水平面; 吃水线; 潜水面;n.水位;水平面;[测]水准仪
5、hierarchy level───层次结构
6、dumpy level───[测]定镜水准仪
7、hook level───吊钩水平仪
8、level off───将…弄平; 使平整; 使平稳; 使稳定;趋平;呈平稳状态;把...弄平
karstic waterlevel(双语使用场景)
1、Simulation and Prediction on Karstic Water Level Regime in Groundwater Field───裂隙岩溶水水源地水位动态模拟和预报中耦合法的运用
2、Due to the larger volume of storage and regulation in karstic water fi eld, the time-autocorrelation of groundwater level is outstanding.───在裂隙岩溶水水源地,由于地下水XiTong的存储与调蓄作用,地下水水位时间上的自相关性显著。